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I've signed over 2,000 clients and I'm about to share my best sales secrets that will make you millions.
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Welcome to the Jason Moss Show, where established online business owners go to increase their income, freedom and impact.
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I'm your host, jason Moss.
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Let's dive in, all right?
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So there's five sales secrets I wanna share with you in this episode to help you make more sales.
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And the first, probably the most important one that we're going to talk about today is the number one key to closing more sales.
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If you understand this, by the way, you will be ahead of 99% of the people out there who are trying to sell stuff in their business, and that is to understand that the key to making sales is all about the power of the gap.
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People do not buy coaching, consulting, products, offers, whatever it is that you sell.
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That's not actually what people are buying directly.
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What they actually are buying is a bridge to help them close a gap in their life.
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And once you understand this and understand that your goal in a sales conversation is not necessarily directly to sell your product or service, but to expose a gap and then magnify that gap, first and foremost, that that is the biggest and most important key to making a sale.
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You have to do that first.
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You will be more successful than 99% of people out there.
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Now, what is a gap?
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How do you actually define a gap?
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Well, I think of a gap like this.
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So your ideal clients are at point A in their life, and point A could be different depending on the type of person that you're wanting to sell to.
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But really, for example, in my business, I help online business owners coaches, consultants, course creators, experts grow their businesses, and so maybe point A for this person is they're running a business, they're making 10K a month and they're doing all right, but maybe revenue is inconsistent or they're missing clarity on their marketing or leads are up and down, and what they really want is to be at 50K a month, and they want to have consistent clients and they want to have quality leads coming in on a regular basis, and so this is point B.
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This is where this person ultimately wants to be.
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But today there is a gap between where this person is right now their business, 10k a month and where they want to be at 50K a month and the life that they're going to have and the business they're going to have and all of the experiences that they will have as a result of that new reality.
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And this gap is what someone pays me to close.
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They don't directly really pay me for coaching or consulting or programs or offers.
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What they pay for is a solution to help them close a gap.
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Now, once you understand this number one, you're going to be ahead of like 99% of the people out there who don't even realize this.
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They're just going out there trying to sell their stuff, forgetting that what people are actually buying is not their stuff directly.
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What they're buying is a bridge to help them close the gap.
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So once you understand this, you're going to be ahead.
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But I think the most important thing from here is understanding that your goal, your job in a sales conversation regardless of whether you're on the phone with someone or doing this on your website through sales copy or through a DM conversation your job is to get really good at both exposing gaps and magnifying the perception that your ideal clients have of that gap in their life.
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So, for example, when I get on a sales conversation with someone, I'm not going in and pitching my stuff right away.
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I'm asking questions to help expose what that gap is.
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So I might ask a question like when it comes to growing your business, what's your number one biggest challenge right now?
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It's often the first question I'll ask in a sales conversation.
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And someone will say, well, I'm struggling with inconsistent leads and my business is only making 10K a month.
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I'll say, okay, you know, I hear you.
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Well, tell me what you really want.
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Like, if you didn't have that problem, what would you experience?
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Or what's the vision or goal when it comes to your business?
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And someone will say, well, I want to get to 50K a month and I want to have freedom and I want to have consistent lead flow.
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So, through the power of two questions, I've now exposed a gap.
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I know where this person is today and I know where they want to be Now.
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Once I have that gap, that's really like the foundation of every sales conversation.
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If you do not have a gap, there is no sale.
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You can't make a sale without a gap.
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But once I have that gap, once I know what that gap is, now my second job is to magnify that person's perception of that gap, because the truth is, many of us have gaps in our lives.
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There are things that we want, or maybe problems that we have, but we don't feel compelled enough to actually go through the work and dedicate the time and energy to actually close those gaps.
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And so we just sit with these gaps in our lives.
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For example, I have a pair of slippers I've had for a couple years now and they're pretty trashed.
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I wear them outside, I like going on walks with them, and they're old and they're kind of scuffed up.
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And I often have this conversation with my partner, kimberly.
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She says, jason, why don't you just buy a new pair of slippers?
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And the truth is I could buy a new pair of slippers and you might say I have a gap in my life right now between my life today at point A, with these slippers, and my life on the other side, having this brand new pair of slippers that maybe feels better and looks better.
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Why have I not closed that gap?
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Well, the truth is, it's just not that big of a problem for me, or at least I don't perceive it to be a big problem.
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But if I were to get on a phone call with someone who was selling slippers and they asked me a question like, well, tell me the biggest challenge when it comes to your slippers?
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And I'd be like, well, I've got these old pair of slippers.
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And maybe they ask a follow-up question like well, how is that impacting your life to have this three-year-old ratty pair of slippers that you're walking around with?
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And I might think about that a little bit and I might say well, you know, to be honest, like I might feel a little embarrassed, like when people come over and I'm wearing these slippers, I'm afraid they might judge me and well, what are they going to think of me if I have these old slippers?
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And I feel like maybe it's affecting the relationship that I have with my partner because she looks at me and says oh, you know, jason's always wearing these old slippers.
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And so just through the power of that question which again is an impact question I've connected someone to the gap and also helped magnify the perception of the pain caused by that gap.
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Now, when you get really good at doing this in sales conversations by the way, this is a big part of what I help my clients with when I work with them one-on-one is how to get really good at selling.
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When you get good at this, what you can do is you can take a gap that someone has in their life and you can zoom in on it and make someone it's not that you're creating something that doesn't exist, but you're helping somebody see something that maybe they didn't see clearly before and helping someone connect to their own compelling desire to want to close that gap.
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And when you do this well, when you get really good at this in a sales conversation, this is the biggest key to making more sales.
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It's getting really good at exposing gaps and then magnifying gaps through the power of your questions.
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And if you're not in a sales conversation, you're maybe doing this on sales copy, in your website.
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The same principles apply.
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You're going to talk about the impact that this pain is having on someone's life and all of the things that they're not going to be able to experience because of it, and what happens if things don't change, and also how good life could be on the other side if they didn't have this gap and the gap was actually closed.
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You're gonna do all the same things in copy.
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It's just a different medium, right?
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So the biggest key to closing more sales, the most important thing to understand, is the power of a gap.
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Hey, friend, hope you're enjoying this episode of the podcast and, before we get back to it, if you're an established online business owner who's serious about unlocking your next level of income and impact and growth.
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I want you to watch my free million dollar online business training where I walk through a four-step roadmap.
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I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars of coaching, consulting and courses online.
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It's going to make the journey of growing your business so much easier.
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I want to give this to you for free.
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All you got to do to access it is go to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.
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That's jasonmosscom forward slash G-R-O-W-T-H to get free access to this training right now.
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Now back to the episode.
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That brings us to number two, which is how to make the perfect pitch.
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Once you've exposed a gap in a sales conversation, then it's really just about helping connect the dots for the person that you're talking to and basically building a bridge from their gap to your offer, the thing that you sell, and helping them see how this thing that you offer is the very thing that they need in order to close that gap.
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So if I'm on a sales call with a business owner that I know I can help that has a clear gap, maybe they're at 10K a month right now.
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They want to be at 50K a month.
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I might say okay.
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So here's what I'm hearing You're at 10K a month right now.
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You're struggling with inconsistent leads, you're not really super sure about your marketing strategy and if we can solve those problems, you can get to 50K a month.
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Did I get that right?
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Great, awesome.
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Well, here's the good news I can help you solve that problem and I actually have this program that I built to help people get from 10K a month to 50K a month, to give you that clarity on your marketing, to give you everything you need to get to 50K a month so you can experience the business that you really want.
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Would you like to hear more about how we can work together to make that happen?
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So what did I do there?
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That's just a transition into a pitch, but what I did was I basically connected the dots for somebody else.
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I said hey, I see that you've got this gap and the good news is I can help you with that and I've got this thing that's actually designed to help you solve that problem and bridge that gap.
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And now we can talk about it and I can share the process.
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I can share the steps that I would take this person through to help them bridge that gap.
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So I might say, okay, step one.
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The first thing is you mentioned to me earlier that the number one thing that you're struggling with right now that's holding you back from growing your business, is you're missing clarity on your marketing.
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So here's what we're going to do.
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First, we're going to solve that problem.
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You're going to come, you're going to work with me, you're going to fill out a whole assessment that's going to go to me and I'm going to give you a personalized plan that shows you the exact marketing strategy you need to grow your business so you can get on track to that 50k a month mark so much faster.
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What did I do there?
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What I did was I plugged in the things that that person said, that they were struggling with the challenges that they had, and I basically created a bridge between my thing and what I offer and this other person and basically showed them how this thing can help them solve the problems that they shared earlier in our conversation and get to where they want to be, to help them close that gap right.
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So this is what a really good pitch does.
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I think of pitches as a bridge.
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It's really you're connecting the dots for somebody else and helping them see how this thing that you have is the very thing that they need to close the gap.
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And when you do this well, your pitches are effective.
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The thing that most people struggle with in pitches is number one.
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They don't expose a gap in the first place, so they just go in and start selling their stuff, but they're not connecting it to a gap and how they can help someone else close that gap.
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Or they make it all about themselves and it's like oh, we're so great and here's what we do, when in reality, people don't care about you.
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I think it's really important to understand in sales, people do not care at all about you or what you do.
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What they care about is getting what they want.
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So sales, at the end of the day, is the process of connecting what you do to what somebody else wants and helping somebody else see that that thing that you do is what they need to get what they want.
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And when you get really good at this, you're gonna sell a lot more stuff.
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So that, on a high level, is how to make the perfect pitch.
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Now, from there, how do you make sure that your sales conversations are as effective as possible and how do you make sure that you maximize the chance that if someone's a good fit, they end up signing up to work with you.
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Well, it's less about the pitch and it's more about the power of the questions that you ask.
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The truth is the first 20 minutes of a sales conversation, which I call the discovery.
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It's really when you're asking questions you're helping somebody connect to the gap, and you do this through asking really good, intentional, skillful questions that help expose that gap for somebody else.
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The power of your questions is really what's going to make the sale.
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It's not so much the pitch, but it's everything that happens in those first 20 minutes of a conversation, where the focus is really on the other person.
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Now, the first and most important thing to understand when it comes to this is what it really comes down to.
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What you're doing when you're asking these questions is connecting someone to a very specific set of beliefs.
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There's actually eight things that someone needs to believe in order to sign up to work with you.
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And when you are doing a good job in a sales conversation, what you're doing is you're connecting somebody to these beliefs through asking questions.
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And when you've checked these beliefs off, what you do is you lead somebody by the hand from maybe I'm not super sure, if I want to work with you, to here take my credit card, I'm ready to sign up.
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So I want to talk about these eight beliefs and share with you basically how to elicit them in a sales conversation.
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Full credit to Cole Gordon, by the way, who taught me a modified version of this framework.
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I've adapted this and shifted this and I now teach this as a part of my marketing strategy and sales strategy that I share with my clients.
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So, eight core beliefs these are eight things that people need to believe in order to work with you.
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The first is they have to believe that they have a painful problem.
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First and most important belief someone has to have there's no problem, no sale.
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The foundation of every sale is built off a problem, and that's the first part of a gap, right?
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Essentially, I have to believe that there's a problem in my life.
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So the first thing that I'm doing in a sales conversation is establishing what is that problem.
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So I might ask a question like what's the number one biggest challenge you have when it comes to growing your business right now?
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And I'll let somebody share and remember when someone answers your question, they're not just giving you information, they're also telling themselves.
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This is really important to understand.
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So you're not just collecting information on a sales call, you're also helping somebody connect to the answers to those questions, which is why questions are so powerful, because when you ask the right questions, you actually help people sell themselves.
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So someone has to believe that there's a painful problem and you have to connect someone to that pain and that problem, either through your questions or if you're selling via a sales page, through copy on your website.
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You're sharing that problem.
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You're basically reflecting that problem back to someone.
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As an example, you often watch like if you ever watch old infomercials like QVC or some of these old, like great infomercials.
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Maybe there's like a commercial of someone who's like selling pots, like new pans for your kitchen, and what does the commercial start with?
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Well, the commercial always starts with the person scrubbing the pan and it's black and white and you see their face and how agitated they are from doing all this work having to scrub these pans that are really hard to clean.
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And the voiceover says do you ever feel like you're just spending hours in the kitchen scrubbing your pans?
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How frustrating it is, how much time wasted.
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What are they doing?
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They're connecting you to that belief of, I have a painful problem.
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Maybe I wasn't aware in that moment that I had this problem because I was just watching TV, focused on something else, but now it's top of mind.
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Now I remember oh yeah, I do have this problem, I have these pans that are really hard to clean and it's frustrating, right.
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So you can do this in different ways depending on what medium you're selling.
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In Principle is the same.
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The first, most important belief someone has to have is that they have a painful problem.
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Now that brings us to number two, which is desire.
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It's not enough to have a problem.
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Someone also has to believe that there's something on the other side of that problem, some other compelling future that's better than where they are today.
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So if I'm a business owner, I can't just feel that, oh, 10k a month is where I am today and that sucks.
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I also have to believe that 50K a month is way more desirable and that I would want to get there and that life would be better on the other side.
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So much of sales is about connecting somebody to that vision, to that possibility.
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What do you really want and what impact would that have on your life?
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Those are questions I'll often ask people.
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So I'm not just getting the surface level goal.
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Someone tells me they want to make 50K a month and I might say well, how would that change things for you, or what impact would that have on you and your family?
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And they'll share with me.
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Well, that would allow us to take more time off and we'd be able to take a couple of vacations a year and I'd be able to pay off my partner's student loan debt and I'd be able to take my mom on a vacation.
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And I'd be able to take my mom on a vacation and I'd be able to provide for my children in a deeper way and send them to summer camp.
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And so now this person is connecting to how good life would look and feel on the other side, and now they connect with that feeling of desire.
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When someone has that desire, they're not just connected to the pain, but they know that there's something on the other side.
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These are the two wings of the gap the pain is where someone is today point A and the desire is where they want to be point B.
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So if we don't have these two things, we have no sale.
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This is like.
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I consider these like the foundations of every successful sale.
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So once we have those things, we move on to number three, which is help.
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It's not enough for someone to have a pain point and a desire.
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Someone also has to believe that they need help in order to bridge this gap, to get from where they are today to where they want to be.
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And for someone to believe this, they either have to believe you know what?
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I can't get here on my own.
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Maybe I've tried before.
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It hasn't worked, or I just don't know how to do it.
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Or I would be able to get there so much faster.
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It'd be so much better to just hire somebody to help me.
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So when you ask questions on a sales call to elicit this, what you do is you connect someone to that belief of I need help.
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For example, I might ask a question like okay, so you're at 10K a month today.
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You want to be at 50K a month.
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You've been running this business for the last five years.
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You've kind of been in the same spot.
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It sounds like your biggest challenge is marketing.
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What do you feel like has been stopping you from figuring that out on your own?
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And someone tells me they're like well, I've tried this and this and I just feel like I just keep hitting a wall and I really need some help with this.
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And as somebody says that, what do they do?
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They connect to that belief of yeah, I actually need some help.
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It's a great question to ask and again, credit to Cole Gordon who taught me a lot of this.
00:19:02.621 --> 00:19:11.842
So, once we connect someone to that belief, you know, I think these are like you do a good job with these three things You're, you're.
00:19:11.842 --> 00:19:14.067
I think it's pretty likely that you're going to make a sale.
00:19:15.250 --> 00:19:17.968
But there's also a lot of energy around the status quo.
00:19:17.968 --> 00:19:20.528
You know, people like staying where they are, even if they're not happy.
00:19:20.528 --> 00:19:29.767
And oftentimes the thing that motivates us to change is not so much that we have a problem, it's not so much that we have a vision of what we want, desire.
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It's also, if things don't change, this is going to get a lot worse.
00:19:33.961 --> 00:19:51.586
You know, if you're unhappy in a marriage maybe things have been bad for a while the thing that actually gets you to change oftentimes is like, hey, if we don't fix this, if we don't solve this, we're headed for divorce.
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You know, if I'm talking to a business owner where maybe things aren't going that well, asking a question like well, you know.
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Can I ask you an honest question?
00:19:55.820 --> 00:19:59.628
You mentioned things have been up and down for a while now.
00:19:59.628 --> 00:20:02.301
It's been a really tough year for you.
00:20:02.301 --> 00:20:04.890
I mean, what happens if things don't change?
00:20:04.890 --> 00:20:07.644
Here Someone shares with me.
00:20:07.644 --> 00:20:10.007
Well, you know, honestly, this business is probably not going to survive.
00:20:10.007 --> 00:20:20.500
I probably have to go get a job, work for someone else, and I mean, what impact would that have on you and what would you know, how would your family feel?
00:20:20.500 --> 00:20:24.978
And I mean these are powerful questions.
00:20:25.980 --> 00:20:41.154
Helping somebody connect to that cost of inaction, when someone has that realization or that belief of things are going to get worse if I don't make a change, it's a very compelling reason to actually want to bridge the gap and also to work with you to help you, to help them, you to help them bridge that gap.
00:20:41.154 --> 00:20:46.364
That brings us to number five, which is after this point.
00:20:46.364 --> 00:20:56.277
Someone's connected to the things they need to connect to in order to be like I need some help, I have a gap I wanna close.
00:20:56.277 --> 00:21:04.178
They also have to believe that you're the right person to help them, and this is what the expert belief is about.
00:21:04.178 --> 00:21:07.018
Someone has to believe that you know your stuff.
00:21:07.018 --> 00:21:15.821
Someone has to believe that you can help them get to where they want to be and, honestly, the best way to actually connect someone with this is not through a sales call.
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It's what they see before they get on the phone with you.
00:21:20.172 --> 00:21:21.121
This is where content is so important.
00:21:21.121 --> 00:21:22.029
This is where content is so important.
00:21:22.029 --> 00:21:23.737
This is where messaging becomes so important.
00:21:23.737 --> 00:21:33.714
This is a big part of what I help online business owners with, because marketing everything that somebody sees before they get on a sales call with you infinitely more important in many cases than what you say on the phone.
00:21:33.714 --> 00:21:40.778
You know, if someone doesn't believe that you're an expert and you get on a call with them and you have to like convince them of that, you don't wanna be on the phone with that person.
00:21:40.778 --> 00:22:07.150
You wanna be on the phone with the person who's been following you on social media for six months, who's seen a ton of testimonials, who's seen a ton of credibility building great messaging content that has connected them to that belief of this is the person that I need to work with before you get on a sales call, because you don't wanna be doing this on the sales call, but someone has to believe this in order to want to hire you.
00:22:07.890 --> 00:22:10.237
That brings us to number six, which is process.
00:22:10.237 --> 00:22:21.179
So if someone believes that you can help them, they also have to believe that you got steps or a method or a process or something that you're going to take them through to help them get from where they are today to where they want to be.
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It's not enough to just feel like, okay, this person can help me, because there's a part of everyone's mind that's skeptical and is going to be like, well, what if it doesn't work?
00:22:30.532 --> 00:22:36.473
Or how do I know if I spend all this money and work with this person is not going to just be a waste?
00:22:36.473 --> 00:22:43.772
Well, one of the things that creates more trust is when someone sees that you have a process that can help them.
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And they see that process and they're like, okay, I can sense this is going to work for me.
00:22:48.750 --> 00:22:50.435
I can see this logically.
00:22:50.435 --> 00:22:51.116
It makes sense.
00:22:51.116 --> 00:22:53.372
This is different from what I've tried in the past.
00:22:53.372 --> 00:22:55.958
I can understand that this is going to be useful and helpful.
00:22:55.958 --> 00:22:57.261
It makes sense to me.
00:22:58.529 --> 00:23:13.919
Yeah, alcoholics Anonymous one of the most famous organizations in the history of the world, and regardless of whether you've ever struggled with addiction or not, when I say Alcoholics Anonymous, you know what Alcoholics Anonymous is.
00:23:13.919 --> 00:23:23.364
Why has AA become one of the most well-known organizations in the world when they're serving such a small niche of people?
00:23:23.364 --> 00:23:25.954
Well, I would argue it's because they have the 12 steps.
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When you hear the phrase 12 steps, even if you're not an alcoholic and you've never struggled with this, you know what 12 steps is.
00:23:32.901 --> 00:23:49.250
You know that there's a framework or a process, that if you're an addict or if you know someone who's struggling with addiction, there's a process that this organization has that can help and, for an addict, that builds a lot of faith and trust and confidence.
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Because you can see, okay, there are these 12 steps, there's a process.
00:23:52.705 --> 00:23:53.871
Other people have gone through it.
00:23:53.871 --> 00:23:54.613
It makes sense.
00:23:54.613 --> 00:23:59.093
It seems like it's working for other people that builds a lot of trust and a lot of safety.