Oct. 8, 2024

7 Simple Strategies To Make Content Creation Easy

Ever felt the pressure to perfect every piece of content you produce? I certainly have, and in today's episode of the Jason Moss Show, I open up about my journey from the overwhelming grind of over-scripting and over-preparing, to embracing a more liberated, authentic approach. Discover how letting go of rigid structures has not only infused my work with genuine human connection but also made the creative process more enjoyable and efficient. If you're tired of feeling like a content creation robot, this episode promises to offer a refreshing perspective.

Forget the conventional wisdom of batching and rigid schedules. Instead, let’s talk about how aligning your content with your personal excitement can revolutionize your creative flow. Sharing insights from my own experiences dating back to 2016, I challenge the traditional mechanistic methods that sap our energy and passion. By prioritizing consistent energy and genuine enthusiasm over the tyranny of fixed posting times, your content can truly resonate with your audience. We dive into the magic that happens when you create from a place of inspiration rather than obligation.

I also invite you to rethink the way you approach your content journey by embracing authenticity and ease. Through a series of transformative questions and practical tips, like asking "How can I make this easy?" and focusing on what genuinely inspires you, you can transform how you create and engage. Alongside sharing my personal evolution, I equip you with seven actionable strategies to simplify your content process. Whether you're just starting out or looking to reignite your passion, this episode is packed with insights that will help you make content creation not only effective but also enjoyable.

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00:03 - Making Content Creation Easier

14:02 - Reconsidering Content Creation Strategies

21:16 - Embracing Authenticity in Content Creation

31:30 - Unveiling Authentic Content Creation Process


00:00:03.084 --> 00:00:10.365
Welcome to the Jason Moss Show, where established online business owners go to increase their income, freedom and impact.

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I'm your host, jason Moss.

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Let's dive in.

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Does creating content ever feel hard?

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If so, you're in good company.

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In fact, pretty much every online business owner I talk to has told me pretty much the same story, which is I feel like I know I need to create content.

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I know how important this is, but I feel like a lot of work.

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It feels like I'm spending hours writing posts, making videos.

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It's exhausting.

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It's taking me away from the work that I really want to do, which is helping my clients and running my business.

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How do I make content creation easy?

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If you've ever wondered whether or not that's even possible and how you might do that in your online business, this episode is for you, and I'm super, super pumped.

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You're here because, inside this episode, I'm going to be sharing seven tips to help you make creating content in your online business, regardless of what niche you're in, what kind of work you do, a million times easier.

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And the truth is, these are things that I learned the hard way.

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I've been doing content since 2016 in various different forms my first official online business really 2016, when I started coaching other musicians and selling courses online, and it used to take me hours to create content.

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In fact, I used to record a lot of YouTube videos and I remember I would batch out my videos.

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I would record five videos at once and I would block off, let's say, like a Friday to do it, and I remember after recording those videos I literally would be exhausted.

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It was like my entire day was wiped and it used to take me so long to do the videos and I'd sit in front of my camera like this and I'd record, take after take after take, and I'd stop and I'd start and I'd be sweating and I'd be stressed out.

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And I'd record, take after take after take, and I'd stop and I'd start and I'd be sweating and I'd be stressed out and I just it felt exhausting and I don't want that to happen to you, and I think so many people feel this way when it comes to creating content.

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I want to show you some of the biggest lessons that I've learned, because the truth is, content creation does not feel hard for me today.

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I actually have a lot of fun recording these videos, but it didn't always feel that way, and so my hope is by sharing some of these tips with you, your journey through content creation will be so much easier, and it will allow you to spend less time creating content and more time focused on the aspects of running your business that you really love and, in many cases, that may actually be creating content because you can really fall in love with this process when you apply some of the things that I'm going to be sharing with you inside our episode today.

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Now, before we dive in, this is a small segment of our three-day marketing workshop, which we just ran about a week and a half ago One of the best, if not the most valuable, workshop that I've ever run when it comes to helping you dial in your marketing, and so if you're looking for clarity on the right next steps to take to grow your online business, to get more clients, to make more sales, and you want help figuring out how to lock in your marketing the strategy that you need in order to get to the next level in your online business, you definitely wanna check out this three-day marketing workshop.

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The recordings are now available on my website.

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You can purchase them right now.

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Get instant access.

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Go through this today.

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All you got to do to check this out is go to jasonmosscom.

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There's a link on that page that says workshop.

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Click that link, you can get details and sign up for it now, and I'm excited to share that with you, because there's just an insane amount of value in there that I know is really going to help you when it comes to your online business.

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So, with that being said, let's go ahead and dive in today Seven ways to make creating content easy.

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The first, this is probably one of the most important things that I've learned through the journey of content creation Stop scripting.

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I remember the first sales video that I ever recorded.

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It was a course that I launched back in probably 2017.

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And I spent probably a day writing a script for it, figuring out every single word that I was going to say for it, figuring out every single word that I was going to say.

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And then I remember we my, my girlfriend at the time, her name was Lauren we basically came up with some way of teleprompting me when I would record.

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So we, we got like an iPad and we taped it to like a stand and and the iPad was sitting behind my camera and we found some app that would allow you to plug in the script and I'm staring at the iPad, slightly off the camera, and I'm trying to read every single word in the sales video.

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And we had to do so many takes.

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And when I look back on this video I laugh because, first of all, it took me like 10 times longer than it needed to actually take to record the damn thing.

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And on a second level, I literally look like I'm reading off screen.

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And when people use scripts whether it's reels or whether it's sales videos or content this is how you come across.

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It actually not only makes things so much harder than it has to be, but it robs you of your life force, of the energy, of the momentum, the thing that when people hear it, they're like I feel connected to you on a human level.

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If you have too much rigidity and structure in the way that you're creating your content, you cut yourself off from that life force, and that is one of the biggest things that makes content creation hard.

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Here's the thing you, regardless of what you do, you are really good at something You're really good at talking about.

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Whatever your area of expertise is, whatever you help people with, chances are if I were to just call you up on the phone and say hey, can you tell me what the five biggest things you've learned in this specific area are over the last five years?

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The five biggest lessons?

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Can you just tell me?

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You know what comes up and you'd probably be able to answer me and give something that sounds really good.

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But there's something weird that happens when it comes to like creating content that we feel like we need to like script out every word and make it like this mechanistic thing.

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So what I learned over time was that, rather than scripting things out, it was far better to outline, to give myself a little bit of scaffolding, and this is what I'm doing right now.

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I have my remarkable tablet here this is not a plug for remarkable, I just really like them and I've got bullet points.

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If you're watching the YouTube video, you'll see on the screen there's a couple of bullet points.

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That's basically what I've outlined for this training today, and I did it in about literally five minutes before I press record here, and so I have a little bit of scaffolding.

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I know what I want to talk about, I know the, the broad points that I want to make, but I'm not scripting out everything that I'm saying here and, as a result, I can be so much more free and fluid, and I've got a little bit of guardrails to be able to keep me on track.

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This form of creating content is so much easier.

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It will dramatically speed up the process of creating content and it will also allow you to flow and be so much more fluid when you create.

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This is one of the biggest things that makes content creation easier.

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Drop the scripts and try outlines instead.

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That brings us to number two, which is another thing I think you should stop doing Now.

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When I first started recording YouTube videos, we had a professional editor on my team and I used to actually edit the videos myself before I sent them off to him.

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And when I would edit the videos myself, I would go through and I would cut out all the parts where I said things that maybe could have been shorter, and I would spend like an hour and I would cut out all the parts where I said things that maybe could have been shorter and I would spend like an hour and a half trying to edit the thing to make it perfect.

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Later on, I realized that this was a waste of time, and pretty much everything that I do when it comes to recording content today is very lightly, if not really at all, edited.

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You'll notice these podcasts and these YouTube videos.

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One of the commitments that I made to myself when I started this project was and I'll talk about this in a bit I asked myself the question how can I make this easy?

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And I realized one of the things that was always really hard about creating podcasts or YouTube videos in the past was that we did a lot of editing and it was exhausting.

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Either we had to hire somebody to do it and then, even if we hired somebody, we had to review the edits that they would do and give them feedback, and it would be this whole complicated process, or I'd have to do them myself, and it would take me hours to edit something versus just pressing record and saying, okay, I'm just going to talk and whatever I say is going to go up and I don't need to edit it at all.

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Now I think this places a little bit more importance on your delivery and you got to be succinct in terms of how you communicate.

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But I think, in my opinion, if you got to do, you know a bunch of crazy stuff to edit things.

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Really, in many cases, what you're, if you got to do you know a bunch of crazy stuff to edit things.

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Really, in many cases, what you're doing is you're kind of you're covering up really like a delivery issue.

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So we got to work more on the delivery instead of trying to fix everything in post.

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So the more I've done this and of course this is a process, because I wasn't good at this when I started and I've been doing content for you know, eight years or something now, but when I first started, you know I used to stumble a lot more and it wasn't as natural as it is for me now, where you don't have to constantly be chopping everything up and trying to make it perfect.

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And this doesn't just go for video, this also goes for text too.

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When I send emails out to my email list oftentimes not always, but oftentimes I barely even read the emails that I send I'll just type it out like stream of consciousness in like two minutes and then send it out.

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And this way of creating and expressing is so much easier because it lets go of the burden of like trying to over edit.

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I see so many people.

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They'll spend like five minutes writing a post and then an hour editing it and it's exhausting.

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It's like you gotta spend so much time editing everything.

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I think of content creation more like a conversation.

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It's less like we're creating these perfect things and more like this is just me and you hanging out and just like if I were to call you on the phone, I wouldn't be like editing every word that I said and constantly going back and tweaking it.

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I'd be like, okay, well, these are my thoughts right now.

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You know, here's the thing I'm going to talk about, here's what's alive for me in this moment.

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I'm going to share the ideas that I have, free form as they're coming out of my mouth, and then I'm going to release it Instead of trying to slow it down with all these layers of intellectualization trying to edit, trying to fix, trying to tweak it to make it the perfect thing.

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If you let go of a lot of those layers and just be much more in this free flow of expression around content creation, which means I have an idea, I say it, I record it in whatever the simplest, easiest, quickest way I can, and then I put it out there and then boom on to the next one, that form of content creation, my God, it makes things so much easier and it makes it so much more fun too, because the process of creating is fun Like I enjoy doing this, I enjoy sharing with you.

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It's when I get bogged down in my head and I feel like I gotta edit everything and spend a million hours trying to make everything perfect.

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That's when you take something that's actually quite easy and it starts to feel like a heavy, burdensome process.

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I wanna give you permission to break free from that, and oftentimes at the end of the day it's just as simple as like being like I'm just not gonna edit, just like we're making this commitment with this podcast.

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It's like, okay, you know.

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Yeah, could it be a little bit better if maybe we had someone come in and cut out the parts where I'm being a little bit long winded?

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Sure, but I'm okay with that.

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I'm willing to accept that maybe this podcast is like 80 to 90% as good as it could be, because I'm prioritizing the speed and the ease of being able to create in this way.

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It also puts pressure on me and good pressure to raise the bar, you know, in terms of how I communicate in my own performance, which I like.

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I don't like to use editing to save me.

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I'd much rather wake up every day and say how can I be a better communicator?

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How can I communicate ideas in a way that's more succinct, in a way that's more powerful and compelling?

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So I have to rely on great editing to save me.

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Instead, I can focus on improving and developing my skills as a communicator so that I don't need any editing.

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The best communicators don't really need much editing at all.

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So this is what we want to work towards in terms of how you're showing up in your business.

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And all this comes back to stopping and really reducing the editing that you're doing in your business, where I walk through a four-step roadmap.

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I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars of coaching, consulting and courses online.

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It's going to make the journey of growing your business so much easier.

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I wanna give this to you for free.

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All you gotta do to access it is go to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.

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That's jasonmosscom forward slash G-R-O-W-T-H to get free access to this training right now.

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Now back to the episode that brings us to number three.

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This is a little bit controversial.

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Some people are going to hear this and they're going to go what I thought.

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Every business coach said that this is the way you're supposed to create content.

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I read five books that told me that this is more efficient.

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I should be doing things this way.

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Books that told me that this is more efficient.

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I should be doing things this way.

00:14:26.224 --> 00:14:27.285
Jason, you're telling me not to do this.

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So controversy alert Number three stop batching.

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You can already hear the pitchforks now.

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When I first started creating content again back in 2016, I had this YouTube channel teaching musicians how to record and mix their own music, and every two weeks I think it was every two weeks I used to record five videos at once and I would sit down and I'd map out all the videos that I was going to record and do the outlines, and I'd sit down and I'd just batch them back to back to back to back to back.

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It would be several hours of recording and at the end I was exhausted.

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And when I look back on those videos now, what I see is a guy who is not really enjoying the process of recording those videos because he's trying to treat himself like a machine.

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I can see the strain in the videos.

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I can see the part of me that was like not having a good time.

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The energy behind that content was like I was resentful of the process because I didn't want to do it, but I felt like I was forcing myself to do it because some I don't know guru or productivity person said that batching is the way to do it, and on paper it makes sense.

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It's like oh okay, well, you know, if I could do five videos at once, I can speed the whole thing up.

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I could be more efficient.

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Here's the thing.

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So much of classic productivity is rooted in mechanistic, industrial revolution type thinking.

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In other words, essentially what we're doing is we're treating ourselves like machines, and if you look at yourself like a machine, it makes sense to say, okay, well, if I batched stuff, that would make me more productive.

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That makes sense.

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The problem is, you're not a machine, you're a human being, and so when you start treating yourself like a machine, you cut yourself off again from your life force and from the energy and the vitality and the thing that's actually behind your content, that's animating your content that when people listen to it, they go.

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I feel you so many people don't understand this, and I didn't understand this for years when it comes to content, because I was so focused on just the process of creating widgets, like I was some factory worker, I didn't realize that how I was feeling in the moment when I created that piece of content was as important, if not more important, than anything I could possibly do or say.

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Something magical happens when you create a way of engaging with content creation in your business that follows the ebbs and flows of your humanity, instead of trying to fit yourself into this batching box.

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You start creating when you have something that you wanna say.

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You start creating when you have something that you're excited about talking about, when you actually wanna share an idea.

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I woke up this morning.

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I didn't know I was gonna talk about this today, but I asked myself what do I feel excited about talking about?

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And I was like let's talk about creating content, making it easy.

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That sounds fun, that feels alive for me right now.

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I'm inspired to share on that because I've learned so much and I feel like this is something that I'm really like wrestling with in my business right now.

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It feels alive.

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So when I'm sharing these things with you, I'm excited about them.

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It's not because it's like well, it's Thursday and I got a batch five videos and I don't even care about the stuff that I'm talking about, I'm just creating it, just to check another box off on my list, and I actually resent doing this because I don't really want to, because I feel like I'm forcing myself to do it.

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So much of the content that people create, that's the energy behind it and you wonder why there's no magnetism in it.

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It's like people see it and they're like, yeah, this doesn't feel right, versus when you see someone who's just having a good time and they're really excited and passionate about what they're sharing.

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This doesn't come from treating yourself like a machine.

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So, on a practical level, here's what shifted for me and my business.

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Instead of creating content that's like time blocked on my calendar, instead of having like a day on my calendar where I used to do this, where it was like every Friday was my content creation day, I would write posts for the week.

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I'd write like seven posts.

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I knew we were going to have, you know, posts going out Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, and everything was scheduled and I had an assistant on my team who was scheduling everything in and everything was like mechanistic and perfectly systematized and everything.

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Today now it's much more fluid.

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It's like I wake up in the morning and I'm like let me write an email to my list, and sometimes I don't feel like writing an email to my list, so I don't.

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Or I don't feel like sharing something on social media, so I don't.

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So things aren't, as quote unquote consistent in the sense that there's like Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, at like 9 am, every post goes out.

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But this form of consistency, I think, is overrated.

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People talk about this like it's like the Holy Grail.

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It's like consistency.

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You need to show up.

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You need to show up in the same times, in the same days every week so you build trust with your audience.

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I don't believe that.

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I believe consistent energy is as important, if not more important, than consistency in terms of days or times, and people spend so much time focused on days or times that they forget that the life force behind the content is actually the most important thing.

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So when you can create a way of engaging with content where you actually show up and let your inspiration, let your excitement and let what you actually want to share and when you want to share in many cases take the lead, then magic happens.

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Then, when people see your content, they're like oh, I don't know what this person's even talking about, but I just feel the energy, I feel excited.

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I feel like this person really cares about what they're saying because they're not resenting actually showing up in the business when they're doing it.

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So stop batching Again.

00:20:49.733 --> 00:20:50.905
Super controversial.

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Some people are going to like Flaming.

00:20:53.246 --> 00:20:55.111
I can already hear the pitchforks outside.

00:20:57.240 --> 00:20:58.463
This really changed the game for me.

00:20:58.463 --> 00:20:59.266
I'll be honest.

00:20:59.266 --> 00:21:11.373
You know, when I let go of this in my business and, it's not to say, sometimes I don't show up and, you know, create on a calendar, but there's a lot more fluidity than there used to be in terms of how I engage with content creation in my business.

00:21:11.373 --> 00:21:14.246
This leads us to number four.

00:21:14.246 --> 00:21:15.625
We've talked about this a little bit.

00:21:16.440 --> 00:21:21.451
Talk about what is alive for you right now.

00:21:21.451 --> 00:21:32.471
The thing that makes content creation easy is when you can share what is truly alive for you in this moment.

00:21:32.471 --> 00:21:43.025
There's a flow, there's a magnetism that happens when you're sharing something that like is like living and breathing in you right now versus.

00:21:43.025 --> 00:21:53.489
Well, you know, I think this is something that I should probably launch this month because it probably makes some money.

00:21:53.489 --> 00:21:58.787
Even though I don't really want to run this master class again, I've ran it the last five times.

00:21:58.787 --> 00:22:00.705
It's the same master class.

00:22:00.705 --> 00:22:12.227
Let me just get on the horse again and do it again because it'll make some money, versus what do I actually care about?

00:22:12.227 --> 00:22:13.932
What's alive for me?

00:22:13.932 --> 00:22:16.006
What am I discovering in my business right now?

00:22:16.006 --> 00:22:18.099
What do I want to teach that I'm also on the edge of?

00:22:18.099 --> 00:22:19.041
Right now, too?

00:22:19.041 --> 00:22:23.289
This is a dynamic, living, breathing thing.

00:22:23.289 --> 00:22:26.781
What you're excited to talk about in a moment is going to change.

00:22:26.902 --> 00:22:31.449
This is why I'm not a big fan of doing like long-term planning around content.

00:22:31.449 --> 00:22:40.511
Sometimes I'll see people you know, either people that will work with me, or they're like I either have a content calendar, I'm trying to plan everything out.

00:22:40.511 --> 00:22:52.592
I'm like no, no, no, you don't want to do that, because when you feel like you've got to fit yourself into a box again, it cuts you off from asking yourself the honest question, the best question you could possibly ask, which is like what do I want to talk about today?

00:22:52.592 --> 00:22:55.943
What do I actually want to share with my people?

00:22:55.943 --> 00:23:07.441
Not what do I think I need to share with my people to get clients or to make sales or the thing that I think is going to make me money, but what do I actually want to talk about?

00:23:07.441 --> 00:23:09.686
What's truly alive for me right now, in this moment?

00:23:09.686 --> 00:23:11.310
Can I talk about that?

00:23:11.310 --> 00:23:19.705
Can I let what's alive for me lead and guide what I create?

00:23:19.705 --> 00:23:21.069
The same reason I woke up this morning.

00:23:21.150 --> 00:23:24.875
I had no idea we were going to talk about this in this podcast, but I was like, what do I want to talk about?

00:23:24.875 --> 00:23:26.645
Ooh, yeah, that feels good.

00:23:26.645 --> 00:23:29.984
We've really been talking about this a lot with my accelerator clients.

00:23:29.984 --> 00:23:31.627
This feels alive for me right now.

00:23:31.627 --> 00:23:34.373
I see the impact it's made on me and my life.

00:23:34.373 --> 00:23:41.067
This is not just something that I'm talking about from theory as well.

00:23:41.067 --> 00:23:42.292
This is something that I've struggled with in the past.

00:23:42.292 --> 00:24:02.365
You know, sometimes it's easy to talk about like concepts that you've learned from like somebody else but that aren't truly alive for you, versus things that you're really living, things that you're embodied in, things that, like everything I'm sharing with you on this list, like these are things that have made a dramatic difference in my business and my life.

00:24:02.365 --> 00:24:06.286
This is not just me sharing content with you for the sake of sharing content.

00:24:06.286 --> 00:24:08.164
This is like I wanna help you.

00:24:08.164 --> 00:24:12.971
I wanna give these things to you because they've really helped me Completely.

00:24:13.010 --> 00:24:17.507
Different energy when we talk about ease around content creation a lot of it.

00:24:17.507 --> 00:24:27.227
The thing that makes it hard is when you're trying to talk about something that's like I don't really care about this or I don't really even believe this, or somebody else believes this.

00:24:27.227 --> 00:24:31.265
But you know, I'm kind of just reiterating concepts from somebody else.

00:24:31.265 --> 00:24:35.905
It's not to say we don't teach things, sometimes that we've learned from other people.

00:24:35.905 --> 00:24:45.508
But when you can teach the thing that is alive for you and share the thing that is alive for you in this moment, content creation takes on a different form.

00:24:45.508 --> 00:25:08.794
It becomes this fluid expression and it becomes so much easier to talk about these things and also to talk about them without having like this crazy script, without having like everything written down, because you can just speak off the cuff in a way that communicates in a compelling fashion, because you're talking about what's alive for you in this moment and you believe it.

00:25:08.794 --> 00:25:17.630
This is what makes compelling content so talking about what's alive for you super, super powerful.

00:25:17.630 --> 00:25:18.352
That's number four.

00:25:18.352 --> 00:25:22.723
Number five I love this question.

00:25:24.006 --> 00:25:38.551
I ask myself this question all the time and this question has transformed every aspect of my business, because I don't know about you, but my mind loves to make running my business really hard.

00:25:38.551 --> 00:25:42.449
If I'm planning out a launch and I ask my mind what to do.

00:25:42.449 --> 00:26:04.430
The first answer it's typically going to give is like you need 52 emails, we need to plan everything out, we need a sales page, a video on the sales page, we need a downsell, we need to do outreach, we need to do like a master class and like three lives during the launch sequence, it's going to come up with the most complicated, convoluted thing.

00:26:04.430 --> 00:26:08.207
But then I ask myself this question.

00:26:08.207 --> 00:26:10.626
This is a question I ask all the time.

00:26:10.626 --> 00:26:15.392
The question is how can I make this easy?

00:26:15.392 --> 00:26:27.925
One of the most powerful questions you could possibly ask in your business, and when it comes to content creation, I think this question is magic.

00:26:29.402 --> 00:26:36.872
It shifts the focus, because most online entrepreneurs that I meet are focused on how can I make this the best it could possibly be.

00:26:36.872 --> 00:26:40.085
It's a reasonable thing to focus on.

00:26:40.085 --> 00:26:42.148
Here's the problem with that.

00:26:42.148 --> 00:26:49.682
The problem is, when it comes to running your business, when you take that mindset and everything that you do, you're going to burn out.

00:26:49.682 --> 00:26:53.230
You can't possibly make everything that you do the best it could possibly be.

00:26:53.230 --> 00:26:55.394
It's going to burn you out.

00:26:55.394 --> 00:27:03.825
And so when people take this mindset around content creation, it's like every I see them and every little post that they write.

00:27:03.825 --> 00:27:06.332
It's like it takes like an hour and a half to write a post.

00:27:06.332 --> 00:27:11.145
It's exhausting, because every word has to be perfect, my God, you know.

00:27:11.145 --> 00:27:14.769
If there are any spelling errors, god forbid.

00:27:14.769 --> 00:27:18.915
Versus shifting your focus.

00:27:24.240 --> 00:27:25.021
This really changed things for me.

00:27:25.021 --> 00:27:28.368
I'll be honest with you, because I am a recovering perfectionist and left to my own devices, like my default mode is how can I make it perfect?

00:27:28.368 --> 00:27:33.446
But when I started asking myself this question how can I make this easy?

00:27:33.446 --> 00:27:38.621
This completely changed the game when it comes to creating content.

00:27:38.621 --> 00:27:48.226
As an example, when we put together this podcast, I let this question guide the whole process of what we were creating.

00:27:48.226 --> 00:27:50.530
I was like okay, how can I make this easy?

00:27:50.530 --> 00:27:52.722
Well, I want to do a podcast with no editing.

00:27:52.722 --> 00:27:56.392
I don't want to do edits because that takes a lot of time.

00:27:56.392 --> 00:28:09.048
And I'm going to make it so I can literally create an outline in like five minutes and then just press record and go and that way I can show up and I can create a bunch of stuff and it can feel really easy.

00:28:09.048 --> 00:28:22.888
And we're going to use AI to do all the descriptions and all the backend stuff, so I don't have to spend time writing descriptions and someone on my team doesn't have to write descriptions.

00:28:22.888 --> 00:28:28.989
Would it be better if we had someone or me write descriptions for what the podcast episodes are about?

00:28:28.989 --> 00:28:31.826
Yeah, they'd probably be a little better, but AI is good enough.

00:28:31.826 --> 00:28:33.530
How can I make this easy?

00:28:33.530 --> 00:28:34.292
Well, that's easy.

00:28:34.292 --> 00:28:37.625
Such a powerful question.

00:28:38.448 --> 00:28:44.875
So many people make content creation hard because they're not asking themselves this question when it comes to creating your content.

00:28:44.875 --> 00:29:05.428
How can you make it easy, how can you reduce and remove all of the layers of complexity that your mind will place on top of what is actually a very simple, easy, effortless process, which is showing up and sharing your thoughts and ideas and voice with the world?

00:29:05.428 --> 00:29:09.295
This makes it so, so much easier.

00:29:09.295 --> 00:29:12.901
Love this question.

00:29:12.901 --> 00:29:14.104
And this doesn't just apply to content creation, by the way.

00:29:14.104 --> 00:29:16.810
You can use this question in every aspect of your business.

00:29:16.810 --> 00:29:19.666
When you're launching a new offer, how can I make this easy?

00:29:19.666 --> 00:29:26.385
When you're putting together a new I don't know website, how can I make this easy?

00:29:26.385 --> 00:29:27.848
Love this question.

00:29:27.848 --> 00:29:29.633
This question made me a lot of money.

00:29:29.633 --> 00:29:32.411
How can I make this easy?

00:29:32.411 --> 00:29:32.833
Love this question.

00:29:32.833 --> 00:29:34.640
This question made me a lot of money.

00:29:34.640 --> 00:29:37.740
That brings us to number six.

00:29:37.740 --> 00:29:38.221
This is a big one, too.

00:29:38.241 --> 00:29:38.903
Letting go of performance.

00:29:38.903 --> 00:30:02.944
When I look back on the first several hundred YouTube videos that I did back in 2016, 2017, and I told you earlier how I used to be exhausted at the end after recording a couple of videos and for a long time I felt I had this belief that I just wasn't good recording videos I was like, oh, video is hard for me.

00:30:02.944 --> 00:30:06.092
I'm just not one of those people that's like natural on video.

00:30:06.092 --> 00:30:08.282
There's some people out there that are really good at it.

00:30:08.282 --> 00:30:11.047
I'm just not one of those people, and so it's hard for me to do this.

00:30:11.047 --> 00:30:12.429
It's more effort.

00:30:14.791 --> 00:30:19.163
Later on, I realized that it wasn't necessarily being on video that was hard.

00:30:19.163 --> 00:30:39.464
The thing that was making it hard was I thought that I needed to be this high energy YouTube personality, because I would go out on YouTube and I'd see some other people and they'd start their videos and they'd be like hey, what's going on?

00:30:39.464 --> 00:30:41.592
My name is Joe, welcome to my channel.

00:30:41.592 --> 00:30:48.820
And I would see these videos and I'd go oh, I guess I got to be like that too, because that's how you get views on YouTube.

00:30:48.820 --> 00:30:50.615
So I'd show up in all these videos and I would oh, I guess I gotta be like that too, because that's how you get views on YouTube.

00:30:50.615 --> 00:31:00.632
So I'd show up in all these videos and I would try to like, hype everything up, and I was trying so hard to be someone I wasn't and it was exhausting.

00:31:00.632 --> 00:31:09.188
It wasn't until later on and it took me years, by the way, to figure this out that I didn't need to be like that.

00:31:10.481 --> 00:31:22.174
I realized I could show up as myself and to be authentic, which, to me, is nothing more than not trying to be something else.

00:31:22.174 --> 00:31:24.942
We don't have to try to be authentic.

00:31:24.942 --> 00:31:25.343
We are.

00:31:25.343 --> 00:31:28.387
We are naturally who we are.

00:31:28.387 --> 00:31:30.250
You don't have to try to be yourself.

00:31:30.892 --> 00:31:46.067
What you do is you dismantle and remove all of the layers of performance and the layers of showing up in a way that are different from who you are, and this has been a journey for me.

00:31:46.067 --> 00:32:27.126
This has not been an overnight thing and it's still a process every day, but what I've found is, over time, as I've dismantled more and more of those layers and again, this has been a process through hundreds, probably thousands of pieces of content at this point, not an overnight thing the journey of showing up as I've dismantled more and more of those layers has gotten so much easier because I feel comfortable being me, and it's easy for me to say that to you as like, hey, just be yourself.

00:32:27.126 --> 00:32:30.502
And you probably heard this a million times and you're like screw you, jason.

00:32:30.502 --> 00:32:40.545
That sounds really easy, but in reality, whenever I turn on a camera, I feel like I want to throw up in my mouth and I feel like I just, for some reason, start being someone I'm not, and I get it.

00:32:40.545 --> 00:32:44.183
I used to do that too, and I, to a certain extent, still do.

00:32:45.180 --> 00:33:00.401
You know there are layers to this, but is the more I've started to see content creation not as creating content, but more as really just having a conversation with you.

00:33:00.401 --> 00:33:04.213
Like when I'm looking at this camera right now, I don't see a camera.

00:33:04.213 --> 00:33:04.655
I see you.

00:33:04.655 --> 00:33:08.855
I see an online business owner who's serious about what they're doing.

00:33:08.855 --> 00:33:14.519
They're wanting to grow their business, and it's you and I having a conversation and me sharing some of the things that I've learned, just as a friend.

00:33:14.519 --> 00:33:26.911
The more that I've stopped seeing this as like I'm giving a performance, I'm making a video, I'm on camera and we're like we're just having a chat, we're just hanging out.

00:33:26.911 --> 00:33:37.171
It makes things so much easier and I want to give that to you and I don't know exactly how to give that to you.

00:33:37.171 --> 00:33:50.960
I'll be honest, I wish I could, but what I found through mentoring hundreds of online business owners, is that this is a process this does of the biggest ways or easiest ways to make content creation easy.

00:33:50.960 --> 00:33:53.521
It's just you just show up and you practice a lot.

00:34:04.711 --> 00:34:07.740
I've been doing this for a long time eight years creating content.

00:34:07.740 --> 00:34:13.079
When I look back on my old videos and my old content, it makes me cringe.

00:34:13.079 --> 00:34:15.472
I'm not I'm not lying to you.

00:34:15.472 --> 00:34:16.596
I really feel that.

00:34:16.596 --> 00:34:19.746
I mean, I have multiple reactions.

00:34:19.746 --> 00:34:24.336
I have the cringe reaction of like, oh my God, what were you doing?

00:34:24.336 --> 00:34:28.532
Like, how did you think that that was how you were supposed to show up?

00:34:28.532 --> 00:34:32.630
But I also have this part of me that's like wow, look how far you've come.

00:34:32.630 --> 00:34:38.255
And I don't think I'm like this amazing communicator by nature.

00:34:38.255 --> 00:34:44.940
Any communication skills that I have now have been a result of lots and lots of intentional practice.

00:34:46.382 --> 00:34:50.945
For years, I was a part of Toastmasters, which, if you don't know, is a public speaking club.

00:34:50.945 --> 00:34:51.865
There's thousands of them.

00:34:51.865 --> 00:34:59.534
You can probably check out one of these in your area area and I was a president for a little bit.

00:34:59.534 --> 00:35:01.702
I used to go every single week and I would get up and I would give speeches in front of other people.

00:35:01.702 --> 00:35:12.264
This was on top of making hundreds of YouTube videos and showing up and creating content, and it took me years to get moderately good.

00:35:12.264 --> 00:35:47.483
And I'm still studying every single day, reading books, looking at what other people are doing and trying to figure out how I can up my game, and what I found is, over time, showing up has gotten easier, and what used to feel like this really heavy, intense, intense, effortful process of creating content now just feels like hanging out, showing up, sharing my thoughts with you, and it feels like it's a lot of fun.

00:35:47.483 --> 00:36:19.021
But it didn't feel like that to start, and so I just want to encourage you that, regardless of where you're at in terms of your online business, whether you've been doing this for a while you're in the earlier days, somewhere in between, whether content feels hard, whether it feels easy, whether maybe it feels different, depending on the day I just want to encourage you that continuing to show up, continuing to practice, investing in, continuing to just do the thing, that this will get easier over time, and that my hope for you is one day you wake up.

00:36:19.021 --> 00:36:21.353
With help from these seven tips.

00:36:21.353 --> 00:36:24.322
You wake up one day and you're like, wow, this is actually a lot of fun.

00:36:24.322 --> 00:36:25.952
This doesn't feel hard.

00:36:25.952 --> 00:36:27.436
I could do this every day.

00:36:27.436 --> 00:36:29.081
I'm having a good time.

00:36:30.909 --> 00:36:33.775
So seven ways to make creating content easy.

00:36:33.775 --> 00:36:35.998
Number one stop scripting.

00:36:35.998 --> 00:36:45.460
Shifting to outlines instead of scripts, giving yourself more fluidity to show up, to let your life force communicate through the content.

00:36:45.460 --> 00:36:46.762
Number two stop editing.

00:36:46.762 --> 00:36:50.773
Number three stop batching.

00:36:50.773 --> 00:37:01.217
Letting more of your inspiration, what's truly alive for you, drive your content creation instead of pre-planning everything out, trying to treat yourself like a machine.

00:37:01.217 --> 00:37:03.668
Number four talking about what's alive for you.

00:37:03.668 --> 00:37:05.414
Number five how can I make this easy?

00:37:05.414 --> 00:37:07.898
Great question to ask yourself.

00:37:07.898 --> 00:37:09.603
Number six letting go of performance.

00:37:09.603 --> 00:37:14.650
And then number seven just remembering that this is all about practice and continuing to show up in practice.

00:37:15.092 --> 00:37:22.139
These seven tips have made content creation so much easier for me, and my hope is that you take one of these and apply them.

00:37:22.139 --> 00:37:27.115
So that's my question for you which one of these seven tips are you gonna apply?

00:37:27.115 --> 00:37:28.699
Pick one.

00:37:28.699 --> 00:37:29.661
This is what I've found.

00:37:29.661 --> 00:37:34.099
You know it's easy to be like okay, I gotta focus on seven, but just take one of them.

00:37:34.099 --> 00:37:35.615
Which one really resonated with you?

00:37:39.889 --> 00:37:41.514
There's one thing that I shared with you in this episode that really resonated.

00:37:41.514 --> 00:37:44.141
That you can take away and apply to your next time that you sit down and create a piece of content.

00:37:44.141 --> 00:37:48.931
What would it be Now?

00:37:48.931 --> 00:38:02.960
As I mentioned earlier, what I shared with you in this episode today is really like a small slice of our three-day marketing workshop, which, look, if you're serious about growing your online business, you want clarity on your marketing strategy.

00:38:02.960 --> 00:38:10.094
You want to know what activities you need to focus on on a daily basis to bring more leads and clients and sales into your online business.

00:38:10.094 --> 00:38:22.003
There's no workshop out there that I've ever put together that is better than this, aside from our high-level programs to give you that clarity walks through everything you need to know about marketing in three days.

00:38:22.003 --> 00:38:24.315
It's just insanely valuable.

00:38:24.315 --> 00:38:25.538
So much good stuff there.

00:38:25.538 --> 00:38:30.518
I want to share this with you because I know how much of a difference this could make in your online business.

00:38:30.518 --> 00:38:33.210
Go check this out on my website.

00:38:33.210 --> 00:38:34.594
It's jasonmosscom.

00:38:34.594 --> 00:38:38.702
There's a link at the top of the page that says workshop.

00:38:38.702 --> 00:38:39.623
Click that.

00:38:39.623 --> 00:38:43.280
You can buy it now and get access to these resources right away.

00:38:43.280 --> 00:38:47.340
You can go through this today and start making marketing easier.

00:38:48.112 --> 00:38:49.396
I hope you enjoyed this episode today.

00:38:49.396 --> 00:38:55.123
We got so much good stuff coming on this podcast and I will see you in the next episode.

00:38:55.123 --> 00:38:58.478
Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the podcast.

00:38:58.478 --> 00:39:03.753
I hope you enjoyed it and if you're listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, consider leaving a review.

00:39:03.753 --> 00:39:06.416
It really helps the show and will help new people discover it.

00:39:06.416 --> 00:39:09.715
And if you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend.

00:39:09.715 --> 00:39:13.016
There's so many people out there that could benefit from this material.

00:39:13.016 --> 00:39:28.043
I wanna pass this along, and if you're serious about growing your online business and ready to unlock your next level of income and growth, I want you to check out my free million-dollar online business training now when I walk through the four-step roadmap.

00:39:28.043 --> 00:39:33.882
I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars at coaching, consulting and courses online.

00:39:33.882 --> 00:39:39.842
You can watch this right now for free by going to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.

00:39:39.842 --> 00:39:45.780
That's jasonmosscom forward slash G-R-O-W-T-H.

00:39:45.780 --> 00:39:47.023
I hope to see you there.