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Welcome to the Jason Moss Show, where established online business owners go to increase their income, freedom and impact.
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I'm your host, jason Moss.
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Let's dive in.
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What does it really take to build a business that you absolutely love?
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What I love about our guest today is she shows you that what it's really about is embodying the spirit of an entrepreneur the ability to take bold, brave leaps into the unknown, to trust that inner voice that's telling you what you know you need to do.
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Dana Hunter-Fordella is an incredible transformational life coach.
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She's been a one-on-one client of mine for the past six months and her journey of business growth is inspiring from working a nine-to to five that she didn't want to be at to quitting that job, going all in on her business and, in just a few months, scaling that business up to 10K months, now on track to hit six to multiple six figures within the next year.
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There's so many moments of wisdom in this conversation, actionable, practical things you can take away and apply to your business.
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I'm excited to introduce you to Dana and I can't wait to dive in this conversation, so let's get into it.
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What an honor it is, Jason.
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I really appreciate the invite, Of course.
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I'm so glad to hear to be here and sing all your praises.
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Appreciate it.
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So take us back to where you were when we met.
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I remember when we were having the sales conversation because my partner and I were, I think it was like a vacation and we were like texting and then we called you in the car when you signed up and we celebrated you.
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And so where were you at that point in your life?
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Walk me through some of the things that were going on.
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What did life look like six months ago when we first connected?
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So I just want to go back a year ago, because a year ago is when I made the decision that I could not live and be my best self in a corporate nine to five.
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I just couldn't.
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And it was a gorgeous job for someone else, a lot of impact, a lot of influence, a lot of money, but something in my soul just shifted and I just thought I'm 42.
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I can't live like this, I can't.
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So I made the decision, six months before I reached out to you, six or seven months, to follow what I thought was my calling, which is coaching, coaching, speaking, leading women something I've been really great at forever.
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And so I made the decision last year that I needed to do something different, and so I tried to do it myself, as we do.
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I'm like, oh, I'm going to just post it on social media and they'll all come running.
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And they didn't.
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So I did get my first client, had some pretty good success with her, but decided to get more education because I thought, oh, maybe more education will help, so joined a certification program for coaching and just felt like, okay.
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So then here comes, jason, I got looped into your, I got the guide that you shared and I was like this is gold.
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I paid a lot of money for my certification program and they don't have anything on this free guide, which I took and tried to again try to do it on my own and had a little bit more success.
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But I remember writing down I messaged you this like in my dream journal that I'd love to work with you specifically because I had gotten that resource.
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I was listening to your free workshops and really kind of following you, knowing that you had something that I wanted, and so in April I had this like I can't do this.
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I heard somebody say why are you trying to do everything by yourself?
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You have Lone Ranger syndrome, and that's what I'm telling my clients, and it hit me that I was doing the exact same thing.
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So I was very moved by your.
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I think it was a mindset workshop that you put out I can't remember exactly.
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It was like the mindsets of a successful coach, and one of the things you said was you can't swim in the river if one foot is on the bank.
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You got to go all in and something just really moved in me where I thought I need to go all in and then about a week later I said I need to work with you.
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So I'm not exactly sure how things move as they're supposed to, but it went in that order.
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It felt like it was happening really fast and I needed help because what I was doing on my own wasn't working.
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I love that and so many lessons there.
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I was classic.
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I call it the DIY mindset because the first three years of my coaching business I did it all alone and I thought I was smart and capable and knew what I was doing and I was.
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But I mean, looking back, the first business coach I hired was $2,700 in 2019.
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I mean, I overthought that decision for way too long and it ended up being the best investment I'd ever made.
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I made like $100,000 from applying what I learned from hiring that coach, but it took me so long to shift that mindset.
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Was there something specific for you that?
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Obviously, that conversation that you had, but beyond that, that helped you realize that doing it yourself was not working or that you were ready to change that?
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Was there something that happened or a moment where you decided that?
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Was there something that happened or a moment where you decided, yes, so I want to go back to this.
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Listen, I ran a school, I was a school principal and I run a family.
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I've run marathons, I run things.
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So I thought, if I could figure all that out, I'll figure all this out too.
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But I wasn't being successful and at the time, my growing longing to leave my job was just.
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It was yelling at me at night like you got to go, you got to go, you got to do something different.
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So there was a moment where I realized I have to jump in the river, I have to do the whole thing.
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I've got to go all in.
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I don't care what I lose, I don't care, I have to do this.
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And I promise you, I remember the moment.
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I was listening to.
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This is what it was.
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I was listening to the workshop for the third time and I heard you say it one more time and I pulled my car over.
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I was driving, I pulled my car over and I opened your website and I applied in the car, having pulled over on the way to pick up my kids from school, because it was that pressing.
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It was like.
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My spirit was like you can't.
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No, you got to do this.
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You got to go all in, and your messaging made me feel like this was the right path.
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If I jumped in the river, it would be safe to do it in the container of, and it was safe to do it in the container of the support program that you offer.
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And then the one-on-one was just like glittery icing on the cake.
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So so many people I talked to have that experience of that nudge or that realization.
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And then there's the fear, there's the doubt, the voices.
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So tell me about how you navigated that journey, cause I would imagine.
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I mean, what was, what were you feeling at that time?
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Was there fear around taking that leap?
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What were some of the stories that were coming up internally for you that maybe had held you back from doing that earlier?
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And how did you work Because I know this is so much of the work that you do with the women that you work with today how did you move past those internal blocks to really step fully in and to be all in and moving forward?
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Jason, do you want me to talk about the blocks of joining the program or the blocks of what I did the first time we had a call?
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I want you to tell me both, because I would imagine they're probably both related.
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So talk to me about both of those things.
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Yes, we'll go into you quitting your job.
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I do want to talk about that, yeah.
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Yes, okay.
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So what came up for me was it was a spiritual push, it was an inside, like you have to do this, and it didn't come from here, because when I listened to this, this is what it says you can do it by yourself.
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I'm pointing to my brain, my logic brain, my logic realistic.
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Hold me back, keep me small, brain.
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That's what she's designed to do is keep me safe.
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You don't have the funds for that.
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You need to be paying off your mortgage or investing or building wealth.
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That's what you need to be doing with that money instead of investing in yourself and your business and your dreams.
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She really just said the first part and then it was like what's my husband going to think if I do this and I've already invested a ton of money in a certification program, what are you doing?
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It program, like, what are you doing?
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It was a lot of what are you doing?
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What are you doing?
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This isn't logical.
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This isn't rational.
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You're already in a certification.
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You may not even have enough time to do this.
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So all I can say is that the voice for my dreams got louder than the voice for my fears, and I heard what you asked me the very first time we did get on a call, which is but what if you couldn't fail?
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Like, what if you knew you were going to succeed?
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What would you do then?
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And I was like I would apply right now.
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That's exactly what I did.
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So it was maybe someone who's operating from logic brain, might use the word impulsive, but the truth is is that I had been following you and learning about you and developing a relationship with you for months before and your workshop, gotten the gifts of your opt-ins, and so I felt like we already had a relationship, and so the inner knowing was like not only do I need to do it, but you're the right person, you're my person and you're going to make it safe and exciting and fun for me to do big, scary things.
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Sure, and I love what I mean.
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What you said about impulsivity is very interesting too, because there's a big difference between following that inner voice, which may look like impulsivity to the outside, and being like reactive, which is not what we're talking about here.
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What we're talking about is outside of the intellectual mind, but very much listening to that deep place of inner guidance within yourself, which some people might say is impulsive.
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But I look at and I say this is how I lead my life and my business and I think I mean I know that this is the way to be, or at least the way that when I live from that place things work.
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So it's not impulsive.
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Maybe the story of the mind is going to tell you it's impulsive, it's a line, that's a that's much, much better way of saying it.
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So what I do with my own clients is we build dreams.
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We get really specific on the answer to the question what would you love?
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What would you love?
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And that is really was the driver for me.
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I'm super clear on what I would love in my life, with my business, with my marriage, with all the things, because I did the work of transformation that I lead other women through, and so that decision might look impulsive to the logic brain, to someone who's like you need to stay in your corporate job and die inside.
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But when you're clear on what you love, the next indicated thing is so clear and so freeing and so easy.
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It feels easy when it's the right thing and then it might not feel easy to the logic brain but it does feel lighter on purpose.
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It felt very magical and very moving forward.
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It's the only way I can expand in a forward motion.
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Sure, yeah, and that move towards expansion is what that inner voice is calling us towards.
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It's always a move towards expansion and that's we can trust that.
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You know, most of us are learning how to trust that, myself included.
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So I remember our first coaching call, big call, and a lot happened after that call.
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One of the things that happened as a result of that call was you decided to leave your job.
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Talk to me about that experience.
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What was that like for you?
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Walk me through that journey.
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So it was a gorgeous intake process.
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It was very thorough.
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And you took about eight seconds to say let's talk about what the elephant in the room is.
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And I really didn't know what the elephant in the room was, but it was me hanging on to the bank with my nine to five the bank of the river, you understand.
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And so you just elevated that.
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You said this is the thing that's in the way, so what are we going to do about that?
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And in my mind, when I was logic planning, I said okay, I can probably build a financial runway six to 12 months out.
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I'll quit my job six to 12 months out.
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But what I realized when you elevated that core issue, that was the thing holding me back, my thinking around, the thing that was holding me back.
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I was like, oh, I can't wait, I can't wait, my dream is too big, it's ready, I'm ready to do it.
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So we have to do it today.
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And I remember having this realization with you oh, my God, I have to quit my job and I have to do it today.
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Because if I didn't do it today, again like maybe impulsive.
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But what you didn't see my husband did see is that months before I had already decided like this isn't for me, this isn't aligned with who I am, my purpose, my dreams.
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That decision happened way, and I just got the courage to follow the lead of the dream as a result of the container of that call.
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So what happened was I got off the call with you and I already had a call scheduled with my boss the next hour.
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And so I got on that Zoom and I was terrified and I said to her hey, how you doing, I'm so sorry, I have to resign.
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And she and I both basically fell out of our chair, Like what?
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Because I was, you know, performing well and seemingly happy and a contributor and making, you know, making a positive contribution to the team and to the organization.
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So it was unexpected and the timing was really unexpected for me.
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What came up for you?
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What was that?
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What did that feel like for you to have that conversation?
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Well, for about 24 hours, I just felt like, yes, I'm running after my dreams, I'm doing what I coach other women to do, I'm taking brave leaps.
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I'm doing it afraid, but I'm doing it.
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I'm taking massive action to serve my dream, which is to be a lighthouse for women to help them transform their lives.
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And it felt so freeing and I just remember, oh, I'm running in a field, like towards my dreams.
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And then, about 24 hours later, I was like, oh, what did you do?
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And even my husband's like what did you do?
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And our whole family unit was like what did she do?
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So much that I called my boss and I was like I know, I told you two weeks, but could I have six instead?
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And she, graciously, was like, yeah, we'll work with you.
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It's funny, though, those moments like we talk about imposter syndrome, the voice of the ego these are things that come up almost every day in the clients and with the clients that I work with, and there's two moments when those voices are the loudest.
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The first is when you're right on the edge of taking a leap, and that a leap could look like quitting a job, it could look like making a pivot in a business, like we just did.
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It could look like launching a new offer.
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It's like right before the thing, and then it's right after the thing.
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It's the holy crap, what did I do?
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And so it's almost predictable when those things are gonna come up.
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And it's not surprising to me that you had that moment of like.
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Oh my God, I've made a horrible mistake Of had that moment of like.
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Oh my God, I've made a horrible mistake.
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Of course, of course, of course.
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And what I'm curious about is because so many people experience those moments, and then they run back to the safety and the security of the old thing.
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What helped you move through that period of time?
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How did you work with yourself through that period to stay the course?
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You help me.
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Number one you Is this normal?
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I feel like I'm having panic attacks all the time.
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You're like, totally normal, it's your nervous system.
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Let's recalibrate nervous system.
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Let's make this the new normal.
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We just need to settle down.
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This is absolutely normal.
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And just hearing, first of all, that you believed in me enough to suggest that I might quit my nine to five and go for my dream, that would have been enough.
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Sorry, I'm emotional about it.
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But then there was this like what's happening?
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I feel panic, I feel afraid.
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My body even was like I can't settle down and you're like, hey, it's okay, that's that part of you that's dying.
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It doesn't want to, but it has to so that the actual you, the real you who's evolving and expanding, can grow.
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That part of you has to die and your nervous system does not like that.
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So take really good care of you and your nervous system at this time.
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And that's all I needed to hear.
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Because I practice wellness and nervous system and I do meditation and do exercise and do the things that require, I know how to settle nervous system, but I was just unprepared for the level of shock and awe, which lasted about six.
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That lasted about six weeks, so just to normalize like six weeks, and then I've dropped into my new identity as a transformational coach who empowers women to create lives they love.
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And that's who I am.
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I'm not a corporate gal, I'm not a principal.
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I don't even work in education anymore.
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That's not who I am.
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What I am now is a woman who helps other women step into their dreams and do exactly what I did with you, right by my side Normalizing, encouraging, supporting, leading normalizing, encouraging, supporting, leading.
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I appreciate you sharing that.
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I think it's inspiring to me because so often we talk about identity work and this is such a core of what I teach, because it's the thing that's underneath all of the strategy and the surface.
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But it takes a certain kind of person to be brave enough to really take those leaps.
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And you came into my program and you didn't just read.
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You know so many people just go through the videos.
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It's like, oh, these sound like good ideas, but to make those decisions is a completely new set of things and I admire and respect you for that.
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So what happened next?
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Yeah, yeah, I didn't even get through all the videos.
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I would just listen to one and then go do it and fail.
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And then I want to say this other thing, and it's a reason why we had every tech problem imaginable.
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But I'm like, that's okay.
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You were too.
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You're like let's just try this, we'll try something else, we'll try something else, we'll try something else, and that's the whole.
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That's the first thing I really internalized from maybe the very first mindset.
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Video was just fail a bunch and fail fast and then pivot.
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And I used to in my old life.
00:19:29.440 --> 00:19:32.688
I would fail at something, like before I even got in this program.
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I did, I failed and I was like, well, I'm done for at least six weeks to work, I need time to recover, get myself back together.
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But now it's like six minutes, like, well, that didn't work, let's do something next.
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That didn't work either.
00:19:44.090 --> 00:19:45.271
Like, oh, this worked.
00:19:45.271 --> 00:19:45.873
What did we do?
00:19:45.873 --> 00:19:46.973
This is working.
00:19:46.973 --> 00:19:47.714
What are we doing?
00:19:47.714 --> 00:19:48.756
Let's try something else.
00:19:48.756 --> 00:19:49.517
Up that didn't work.
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So this is maybe a little bit cliche, but I just was at a conference and they reminded us that Serena Williams won, I think, 23 championships, but she lost like 28 of them.
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So I was like oh okay, so there's a bunch of losing or failing forward in every success.
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So that was initially, of course, and I always feel like I mean, my experience of business is just continual failure.
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But I love the shift that you talk about with being able to bounce back from that and not treat it as this doomsday thing.
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Because that's the thing that I see that really separates the most successful people I work with.
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Oftentimes they fail more.
00:20:34.105 --> 00:20:43.328
It's not that they're better at not failing, it's that they're better at bouncing back and not making that mean, oh my God, everything's falling apart so I'm derailed for the next three weeks.
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What helped you shift that mindset?
00:20:52.359 --> 00:20:59.534
Yeah, really dropping into my new identity, which is connected to my specific dream, and I have a very clear dream of how I want to impact the world and the way I want to show up as a woman and how I want.
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I have a very clear dream of how I want to impact the world and the way I want to show up as a woman and how I want.
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I have a dream like a very clear it's not a, it's like I can see it and so I had to make a decision about what was more important what I thought, other people thought when I failed, or me deciding and serving my own dream.
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So what does it look?
00:21:18.544 --> 00:21:20.189
like on a practical level.
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Like, let's say, you launch a thing.
00:21:21.843 --> 00:21:22.826
It fails.
00:21:22.826 --> 00:21:25.633
You're sitting at your computer looking at the screen.