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Welcome to the Jason Moss Show, where established online business owners go to increase their income, freedom and impact.
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I'm your host, jason Moss.
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Let's dive in.
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What does it really take to double your sales before the end of the year?
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That is a bold claim, but for many online business owners I meet, the truth is it's more than possible, and what it really comes down to is a very specific change that you can make to the way you're showing up in your business right now to dramatically increase your income.
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In this training, I'm about to show you what that change is, how you can make it to increase your sales, make more money and sign more clients before the end of the year.
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This is super valuable.
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Cannot wait to share this with you.
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So let's dive in.
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So this training today, super pumped, to be able to offer this to you, because this is something that's been coming up with so many of my private clients, our accelerator clients, my one-to-one clients.
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This end of year time is like a particularly weird time for business.
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There's a lot of good stuff that happens.
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We've got Black Friday.
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We've also got a lot of people winding down towards the end of the year, and I've been hearing behind the scenes from so many folks who are feeling like they're having trouble making sales.
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This is a low month for them.
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They're looking for ways to change that, and I think the good news is that there's so much practical stuff that we can do during this time of year to massively increase the number of sales that you make heading into the end of the year.
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And so I want to share that with you today and really walk through some of those things and what that strategy looks like.
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I think, when I look at at least in the business owners that I mentor and work with, what's really standing in the way of making more sales it's not so much what's going on right now in the world or the fact that people are taking time off is that most of the people, at least from what I'm seeing, are actually making sales and selling a lot harder than it needs to be, and they're leaving a lot of money on the table because the way that they're showing up and selling just isn't as good as it could be and we're missing opportunities.
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And so today, you know, really, what I want to do is I want to talk about that and share with you some practical things that you can do to increase the sales that you're making in your business.
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Making in your business.
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The first core idea I really want to share with you is that, when it comes to any type of business growth, there's really like two keys to success.
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The first is visibility, and this is a big challenge for a lot of people.
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It's a big part of you know what I help people with when we work with them in our various different programs.
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How do you actually, you know, make it so that people in your niche know you exist?
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We're not really going to be talking about that today.
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I want to talk about the second piece of this puzzle, which is making invitations, because the truth is, when it comes to doubling your sales before the end of the year, if you want to know the easiest way to do it, it's just to make more invitations.
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And when I look at business owners pretty much everyone I work with the thing that's actually stopping them from making more money eight times out of 10 is that they're just not selling enough where they're not selling the right way, or they have mindset blocks around sales and making invitations in the first place.
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So this is really the piece that we're going to be talking about today, because I think this is one of the fastest, easiest ways to increase your income and do it particularly quickly.
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And also during the time of year, like what we're experiencing right now.
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This is a strategy that can really help when it comes to combating some of the ebbs and flows natural kind of seasonal shifts that happen during this time of year.
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So if you are wondering, like, what is an invitation?
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Maybe you've never heard that term before what I mean when I say invitation is basically you pitching, and there's so many different ways you can make invitations.
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But an invitation might be hey, I think this would be a really great fit for you.
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Like, how about we hop on a call and we can explore more what that looks like for you?
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Or, hey, I've got this awesome program based on what you share with me.
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I think it'd be a really good fit.
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Or just being able to, you know, put a call to action in a social media post, or send an email out to your list, or reach out to people personally and do one-to-one texting, or actually pick up the phone and call people.
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I mean, invitations can take many different forms, but at the end of the day, what we're really talking about is you selling?
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When it comes to making more sales, the simplest way to do it is just make more invitations, and my most successful clients like the clients that are crushing it right now they have very different mindset around how they think about invitations and they're doing this very intentionally and strategically in their business.
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So we're going to talk about that today and I want to share with you kind of what that looks like and give you some very practical tools that you can use to make invitations more effectively, which, again, is going to help you make more sales.
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Now, some of you are maybe new to my world and if you don't know who I am, maybe this is your first live training.
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I wanted to say hi and I'm glad you're here and welcome to the family.
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My name is Jason Moss.
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I'm a business coach.
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I work with established online business owners, coaches, consultants, course creators.
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I've been doing this for a long time and I didn't know anything about online marketing when I got started in business.
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My first real official coaching business was back in 2016.
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And I made $4,728 my first year.
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This was despite, by the way, me working six days a week on this business, busting my butt, trying to grow it, spending every single hour of my waking life thinking about it and masterminding with people and trying to learn marketing and how to grow an audience and all the things that I now teach people today.
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I was not a natural at any of this stuff.
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I'm also like an introvert, so the idea of like showing up and doing trainings and things like this was not something initially that was like comfortable for me, and it took me some time to figure things out and a lot of trial and error and a lot of failed launches and sleepless nights and a lot of second guessing and struggling.
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And if you're in that place right now and maybe things haven't fully clicked in your business or things feel kind of inconsistent or up and down, you're definitely not alone and I know what it's like to be in that place because I've been there.
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But a lot has changed over the course of close to 10 years in online business Since then.
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I've generated over 1.4 million in sales to date and I've had the great privilege of working with so many incredible, talented people all over the world and helping them grow their businesses too.
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I'm no genius, but I've gotten in the room with great people and mentors and guides and learned so much along the way, and everything that I do today is really designed to help people like you who are growing an online business, who are serving and helping other people, shorten that learning curve so that, rather than it taking 10 years for you to go from where I was when I first got started to where I am today, that you can speed that whole process up.
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You can get there a lot faster, without the frustration and without the confusion and without the second guessing and the lack of clarity and all the challenges and issues that hold so many great entrepreneurs back.
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So that is my mission and the work that I do.
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We have various different programs and ways that we help folks at different stages of business with mentorship and coaching.
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I'll share a little bit more at the end of this training what that looks like.
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If you're wanting deeper support and help, I want to share with you in this training and really dive into five keys to invitations that get you paid.
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There are really five keys to doing invitations well, and that's what we're going to talk about today.
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So the first is the biggest key to success when it comes to making invitations is you have to get your mindset right.
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Mindset is 90% of success when it comes to business.
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Everybody thinks it's about the strategy, but it's really 90% mindset.
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The only reason business coaches like me don't talk more about mindset is because nobody wants to buy it.
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It's like you talk about mindset, everyone's like, yeah, of course I know it's mindset, but it's actually.
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That's the thing.
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So when I look at the thing that actually holds people back from making invitations and selling in their business or selling more, it's not.
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I don't know what to say.
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It's not.
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How do I write the perfect sales pitch?
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I feel like I'm afraid of being salesy or I'm afraid that if I invite people, then they're going to say no and I'm afraid of being rejected.
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So I avoid it and I focus on building funnels and building my website and spending all this time trying to do anything but the uncomfortable thing of actually going out there and pitching and selling, because I'm afraid of getting rejected.
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So there are so many mindset blocks that come up along the way when it comes to the things that really hold people back from making invitations.
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The first thing is we got to really address that stuff and this is a big part of like when I work with clients and do one-to-one coaching like this is a lot of what we're doing, because this is the thing that once we lock this piece in place, it becomes so much easier to actually show up and make invitations.
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So the first thing is, if you feel these things like you are so not alone.
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The reality is, we all have these million-year-old brains that are designed not to help us succeed but to keep us safe and to make sure that we survive.
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And then we bring those million-year-old brains into our business, and the brain that we have is not built to do the things that we're trying to make it do.
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And so we have this part of our mind and our brain that's trying to keep us safe, and at some point in our evolutionary history, going out there and speaking up and sharing our thoughts and asking somebody something could have gotten us killed or ostracized from the tribe, and so we didn't pass on our genes.
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So we have this fear of doing these things, and it's super normal.
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I feel this too.
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So the first thing is we don't want to make that a problem.
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It's not that resistance is a problem, it's just how can we work with that more skillfully in our experience.
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So if you feel resistance around making invitations and selling and you have some mental blocks around that.
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You're definitely not alone.
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So much of entrepreneurship is the ability to meet resistance more skillfully.
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It's not that the resistance goes away I still feel it all the time but it's that over time, we can develop tools and ways of working with ourselves so that, rather than that resistance holding us back, it's just more of like it gets a seat at the table but it doesn't like drive the bus is how I think about it.
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Gets a seat at the table, but it doesn't like drive the bus is how I think about it.
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So many people that I talk to and mentor, the thing that's holding them back is like they're afraid to sell because they don't want to come off as salesy.
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By the way, I'm curious, like, how many people here maybe just show of hands or you can share in the chat?
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How many people resonate with that?
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You're like yeah, I feel that.
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So, again, super normal.
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I think it's funny that we have this sense of like.
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We're so afraid to be salesy.
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It's like imagine Starbucks was like wow, you know, we have this amazing latte that we know could change the world.
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Okay, maybe that's a little dramatic, but like we have this latte, that we we we're a business, we exist to sell, but we like, we don't want to tell people about it Cause like, oh, maybe some of the people, if we send out emails to our list, we'd come across as salesy.
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It's like what business in the world, what business in the world thinks that way?
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If they're in business, they're in business to make money and we have that expectation when it comes to businesses.
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But when it comes to ourselves, we have this sense that there's this line that we're so afraid to cross when it comes to selling.
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So the first thing is you got to remember you are a business and your business exists to make money and it exists to help people.
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And the way that you help people is by making money, because if you're not helping people, you're not going to make money.
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So if you don't sell, you don't make money and you don't help people and you get to sell because that's what it means to run a business.
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So we need to kind of like set aside this whole like fear of being salesy and just own the fact that like yeah, of course I'm a business owner, that's what I do.
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I sell, this is what I do as a business.
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So it's not like this weird abnormal thing.
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The other thing I think that's really important to remember is, like everyone's so worried about, like annoying people and pissing people off by selling, and the truth is that the right people, the people that actually care about what you're doing and want to engage with your business and are actually going to benefit from what you do, they're never going to be annoyed by you selling.
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I have a mentor of mine I've worked with for the past I want to say two years.
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I've probably invested like $150,000 into working with him because everything he sells me is great and it works and it helps me, and he pitches me all the time via text.
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He's like, hey, you want to do this, you want to do this.
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I got this thing that I think would be really good for you and I really appreciate it.
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I'm like thank you for selling to me, because I want help, I want the next thing that's going to help me make my life or my business better.
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And the people who are your people, the people that you're actually here to engage with, the people who are your people, the people that you're actually here to engage with, the people who are actually gonna buy from you and benefit from what you do.
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Those are the people who feel exactly the same way.
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They're not the people who are like, oh my God, why is she selling?
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I often talk about this with email marketing because I send a lot of emails Like if you're here on my list, you know you probably get like multiple emails from me a day and multiple emails from me a day.
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And some people write me and they're like you're sending me too many emails and I'm like, okay, you can unsubscribe.
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No one who's ever bought from me has said that.
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The only people who tell me that are the people who are never going to be my customers anyways, the people that I can't really help, the people that those are not my people.
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So when you're in business and when you're communicating and marketing and selling, you are only selling to your people and the other people who you're never going to help or serve, the people who aren't for you in the first place, those people can opt out.
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If you spend all of your time trying to optimize your business just so that you don't annoy the people who are never going to buy from you anyways, you're never going to actually serve the people who are, so we have to let go of this idea that you're speaking to people who are not for you.
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When you're sending emails, when you're reaching out to people, when you're making invitations, regardless of how you do it, you are only speaking to the people who want to be sold to.
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And when you can remember that, it's like next time I write an email, I'm not speaking to everyone.
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I'm speaking to the person who can't wait to get my next email, the person who's like so excited to be sold to, because they know that the next thing that you have is gonna change their lives forever for the better.
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When you can write emails with that energy to that person, it's so much easier to sell.
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It takes away all of the timidness and the tiptoeing around and the part of you.
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That's what I call pitching on your heels, because it's like you're so afraid of pissing people off.
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Itching on your heels because it's like you're so afraid of, like, pissing people off.
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So we get to let go of that.
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And then, on a deeper level you know so much of what I do with clients.
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The thing that I find is really like the underpinning of almost all resistance in business.
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Whenever you feel resistance about marketing or selling or you know, telling the world about what you do.
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What I find, 99 times out of 100 is the reason you're feeling that resistance, is because you're too focused on yourself and not enough on the people that you're here to serve.
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When I was in Los Angeles I was living there I was a part of Toastmasters this is a public speaking organization for anyone who doesn't know it and I used to go every week and there was this group that would come together, we'd meet and people would get up and they'd give speeches and it was a whole meeting and if you've never been to Toastmasters, it's like a whole thing and it's great for improving your public speaking skills.
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One thing I learned while I was at Toastmasters was the thing that I would love doing the most.
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There's multiple parts of every meeting, but one of the parts of the meeting is called evaluations, and what evaluations are?
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Basically, earlier in the meeting, someone will go up and they give a speech and then if you were chosen to be an evaluator and to give an evaluation, you would go up and you'd give like a three minute speech.
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That's like an evaluation of their speech and you'd share what they did well and what they could improve, and it was an opportunity to be able to go up and to be able to give a speech about somebody else's speech.
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Basically, and when I was going to Toastmasters I was okay at speeches but I loved evaluations.
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Those are like my favorite things in the world to do.
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I loved evaluations.
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Those are like my favorite things in the world to do.
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And I'm not naturally like a public speaker Like I actually.
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Like I said, I'm an introvert, like sometimes I get like uncomfortable being in front of other people, especially in person.
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But when I would get up and I would give an evaluation, I was like so comfortable, it was so easy for me to share and to speak and I often would like win the.
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There was like awards that they give out at the end of the meetings and I would often win these awards for best speaker or best evaluator.
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And for a while I was like why is that?
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Why am I so comfortable giving evaluations when actually giving a speech is a lot harder for me?
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And I realized it was because when I was going up there and I was giving an evaluation harder for me.
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And I realized it was because when I was going up there and I was giving an evaluation.
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My focus in that moment was I have three minutes to help this person become a better speaker than I'm evaluating, and my entire focus was on them and not on myself.
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It wasn't how am I coming across or how am I speaking, or how am I, what are people thinking of me?
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It's I am here because I want to share this information that I know is going to help this other person, and that made it.
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It melted away all the resistance and made it so easy to go up there and talk in front of other people.
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The same thing applies to business, and so what I find when I mentor people is the thing that's actually holding them back nine times out of 10 from selling is they think selling is all about them.
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They're so concerned about coming across as this or that, or their whole focus in that moment is getting clients.
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It's all about them.
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But they miss the fact that, look, a sales pitch is an act of service, because if someone's out there that needs help and all of you are here because you've got things that you can offer that can truly benefit and serve other people it is of service to somebody else for you to go out and say, hey, I have this thing that could really help you, and that is what sales is in my mind.
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So when I get on a sales call with someone or I make an invitation or I reach out to someone, of course there's a part of me that's doing it, because I'm here to build a business and I get paid from selling things to people.
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So it's not like entirely altruistic, but much more of my focus is on where is this person at?
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What do they need?
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Is this the right fit?
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Can this truly help them?
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How can I help this other person or my audience get closer to where they wanna be?
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And the more that I'm oriented around that place, the easier it is to make invitations, the less resistance I have, just like at Toastmasters.
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So, asking yourself, where is your mind when you are writing social media posts or emails or when you're about to reach out to someone and DM someone.
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Is your focus on you or is your focus on them?
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The more you get focused on other people in business, the easier running a business is, the easier it is to market, the easier it is to sell.
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The easier running a business is, the easier it is to market, the easier it is to sell Everything that you gain from business is a byproduct of your ability to serve others.
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So all of these are some mindset shifts that hopefully will help melt away some of that resistance, but also just to normalize that like you're going to feel resistance about making invitations.
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So it's not that the resistance goes away.
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I find it's more often.
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We just get better at being in the resistance and being like, okay, I'm just going to do the thing that I knew I need to do anyways.
00:20:39.942 --> 00:20:43.731
I feel uncomfortable when I reach out to people.
00:20:43.731 --> 00:20:55.229
All the time I still feel that way, but I do it anyways and I'm okay with feeling the resistance and I'm also more and more in this mindset of like I'm here because I want to help this other person.
00:20:55.229 --> 00:21:01.423
So I'm willing to feel the resistance and actually reach out anyways and to be uncomfortable because I know it's ultimately going to serve this other person.
00:21:01.663 --> 00:21:19.423
Hey, friend, hope you're enjoying this episode of the podcast and, before we get back to it, if you're an established online business owner who's serious about unlocking your next level of income and impact and growth in your business, I want you to watch my free million dollar online business training where I walk through a four step roadmap.
00:21:19.423 --> 00:21:25.246
I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars of coaching, consulting and courses online.
00:21:25.246 --> 00:21:27.967
It's going to make the journey of growing your business so much easier.
00:21:27.967 --> 00:21:29.760
I want to give this to you for free.
00:21:29.760 --> 00:21:35.531
All you got to do to access it is go to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.
00:21:35.531 --> 00:21:43.631
That's jasonmosscom forward slash g-r-o-w-t-h to get free access to this training right now.
00:21:43.631 --> 00:21:45.013
Now back to the episode.
00:21:45.013 --> 00:21:48.282
So those are some mindset hacks, tips.
00:21:48.282 --> 00:21:58.984
Hopefully that will help when it comes to making invitations in a way that is, yeah, where there's less resistance.
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I think is really what it comes down to.
00:22:02.080 --> 00:22:11.255
Second big key to making invitations and making more sales with more invitations is don't expect your content to do all the work for you.
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One of the biggest things that I see with people who are struggling in business, particularly the clients that I work with coaches, consultants, course creators is they are creating a lot of content and they're posting a lot of content, and they might even be emailing their email list or engaging with people through content, but they expect that that is all that's required or necessary, and they're just expecting that, like all their content is gonna do the work and people are just gonna reach out to them based on their content and I'm a big fan of content, like I mean, I create a lot of it.
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We teach people how to create content that attracts clients, and you will get clients if you post content, you're making invitations and content, if your content is good and you're creating the right content.
00:22:58.511 --> 00:23:15.405
Of course, that's a big part of what we help people with, but the thing that really moves the needle for most business owners that I work with, particularly the folks who are like under six figures is actually not content, it's intimacy and conversation, what I mean by that.
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I'll just give you an example.
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So I had a guy this was a couple months ago we ran our first retreat.
00:23:21.405 --> 00:23:26.124
A couple of you were here Nadia, I'm looking at you in Boulder, here in Colorado.
00:23:26.124 --> 00:23:27.205
It was an awesome experience.
00:23:27.205 --> 00:23:31.112
We had a group of incredible high-level entrepreneurs join us.
00:23:31.112 --> 00:23:33.015
It was just one of my favorite things I've ever done.
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Like he kept harding all my posts.
00:23:45.301 --> 00:23:47.025
He wasn't commenting, he was just harding.
00:23:47.045 --> 00:23:50.811
And I tapped over you know his profile and I was checking him out and I was like, oh, this guy seems interesting.
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He seems like he's doing really cool work.
00:23:51.973 --> 00:23:58.483
So I just sent him a DM and I was like, hey, man, you know your name keeps popping up on my profile.
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I just want to say hi, that's it.
00:23:59.246 --> 00:24:10.740
No sales pitch, no questions, no weird scammy, sleazy script, like probably the ones that you get like half a dozen of every week from you know business coaches and all sorts of weird stuff.
00:24:10.740 --> 00:24:12.269
You know people trying to sell you stuff.
00:24:12.269 --> 00:24:13.980
So he wrote back.
00:24:13.980 --> 00:24:15.208
He was like oh, you know, it's funny.
00:24:15.208 --> 00:24:24.230
You reached out like I've been watching all your content and you know I really love what you're doing and and so we start having this conversation, conversation.
00:24:24.230 --> 00:24:26.501
And immediately I was like okay, this guy's, you know, warm.
00:24:26.501 --> 00:24:27.806
He's like engaged with my content.
00:24:27.806 --> 00:24:30.161
This is where content and conversation works together.
00:24:30.161 --> 00:24:31.683
Right, it's not one or the other.
00:24:32.346 --> 00:24:35.492
But I started, I, you know, I asked him a question.
00:24:35.492 --> 00:24:39.044
I said you know, hey, tell me a little bit more about, like, where you're at in your business right now.
00:24:39.044 --> 00:24:41.586
And he shared that with me.
00:24:41.586 --> 00:24:45.611
And then I was like okay, cool, tell me a little bit more about where you want to be, what's the goal.
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And he shared that with me and I was like okay, so I have this gap.
00:24:48.874 --> 00:24:49.816
I know where he is today.
00:24:49.816 --> 00:24:50.596
I know where he wants to be.
00:24:50.596 --> 00:25:04.272
And then I asked myself.
00:25:04.272 --> 00:25:06.056
I was like the perfect thing for him.
00:25:06.619 --> 00:25:08.387
So I made an invitation.
00:25:08.387 --> 00:25:21.367
I was like, hey, you know, it's funny, like we're actually we don't even have the sales page live yet but like we're about to launch this thing Based on what you share with me, like wanting to get to hear, like I think this would be literally like exactly what you need to help you do that.
00:25:21.367 --> 00:25:26.041
Would you want to check that out?
00:25:26.041 --> 00:25:27.247
He was like yes, so I sent him a link to the sales page.
00:25:27.247 --> 00:25:28.992
A couple hours later, I opened my email.
00:25:28.992 --> 00:25:31.963
I get like a notification from our payment processor.
00:25:31.963 --> 00:25:33.508
Signed up for the full program.
00:25:33.508 --> 00:25:35.011
It's like a 2500 program.
00:25:35.011 --> 00:25:41.211
After that, I'm like, uh, you know, I.
00:25:41.211 --> 00:25:43.720
I'm like you know, he would actually be really good for our retreat too.
00:25:43.720 --> 00:25:44.840
We're about to run this retreat.
00:25:44.840 --> 00:25:48.526
And so I was like, hey, it's funny, super pumped.
00:25:48.526 --> 00:25:53.993
You're on board Launchpad's going to be amazing, and we're actually running this retreat in a couple of weeks.
00:25:53.993 --> 00:25:55.115
I'd love to have you there.
00:25:55.115 --> 00:25:56.923
I think it'd be awesome for you.
00:25:56.923 --> 00:25:59.069
And I just sent him a link to our Google Doc with some of the details.
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A day later, he signed up for the retreat.
00:26:01.680 --> 00:26:03.181
A day later, he signed up for the retreat.