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Welcome to the Jason Moss Show, where established online business owners go to increase their income, freedom and impact.
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I'm your host, jason Moss.
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Let's dive in.
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I wanted to share an incredibly powerful free training with you.
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This is a training that I ran a little while back about how to embody the identity of a multi, six figure, seven figure, wildly profitable online business owner.
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Because the truth is, when it comes to growing your business, it really starts from the inside out, and when you can get the identity piece right, when you got that piece in place, growing your business, getting more clients, increasing your income, becomes so much easier.
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Let's get into it.
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I had a training I was going to share with you guys, but about three days ago, the universe was just like nope, that's not your training, you've got something more important to share.
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So, completely scrapped that.
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I had slides and everything and in like 20 minutes got this like inspiration download like literally yesterday and put this together.
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And I'm really pumped to share this because I think this is what really matters when it comes to growth, when it comes to scaling a coaching business and what I've learned through supporting and helping hundreds of coaches all over the world, over the world.
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The biggest thing is and I honestly there's part of me that feels like a little bit of a fraud right now, because I've spent the last two and a half years as a business coach primarily focused on teaching strategy teaching people how to market and how to sell and the social media and all that stuff.
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And that stuff's important and maybe you're here because you want that.
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There's a part of you that's like Jason just tell me what to do, you know, when it comes to social media strategy.
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You know, tell me what to post online.
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Tell me, tell me what to you know say on my sales calls and and and some of that stuff's important.
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You know I don't want to discount that through helping so many different coaches is that the strategy is like the tip of the iceberg and it's maybe responsible for like 10% of your success as a coach.
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You need it.
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You need it, don't get me wrong but there's like the lower part of the iceberg that, honestly, I haven't been talking enough about and that's what we're going to be talking about today the 90%, the thing that is underneath all of this, all of the strategy, the stuff that, like that, really matters when it comes to growth as a coach, the stuff that, if you don't have in place, like I could give you the strategy and you know that this was born through so much.
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To be honest, like, like quite a bit of frustration for me, because I, I, I would, you know, I bring these people into my programs incredible coaches with so much to offer and I'd give two coaches the same strategy and one coach would go off and take that strategy and they'd scale from, like you know, 2k a month to like 20K a month in like three months, and the other coach would stay exactly where they are.
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And for years I was like, am I just a shitty coach?
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Like what is wrong?
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Like how can I?
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What am I missing?
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You know, because I really want to help everybody.
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I want to be the kind of person who, when someone comes into my world, like every single person, is able to transform.
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And as I started focusing on this deeper work, I started seeing, like this is really what it's about.
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This is for so many people who are like I'm doing the things, like I'm posting on social media, I'm not getting traction, like what is it?
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I feel like I've got the marketing strategy and I'm still like something feels like it's missing.
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Like, if that's you, if you're here because you're kind of searching for what that is.
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This piece that we're gonna be talking about today, I think might fill that gap for you.
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So I think might fill that gap for you.
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So that's our agenda for today.
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I hope you guys are excited.
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Let me know, by the way, I want to make this interactive and share in the chat what you're maybe most excited about today 22, 22.
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I'm seeing a lot of 22s.
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I don't know what that means, but we'll go for it.
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Thank you all.
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Good to see you guys.
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22 actual people, yeah, okay.
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Yeah, there's no fake Zoom meeting here.
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This is no one of those webinars where it's like there are five spots remaining in the webinar you got to sign up and then you go and it's like a recording.
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I hate that shit.
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So what's the core idea I want to share with you guys today?
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Here's the core idea the biggest key to growing your coaching business is becoming the kind of person who can hold the level of success that you want.
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Most coaches struggle to grow their business because they're focusing way too much on the outside and not enough on the inside, because they're focusing way too much on the outside and not enough on the inside.
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And the truth is, the business that you have right now is a perfect reflection for the identity that you hold, the kind of person that you are today, basically your beliefs, the way that you move through the world, how you hold yourself, how you see yourself as a coach, and so what I see, you know so many times and I've done this in my journey too and it's like I feel like I'm efforting, I'm trying so fricking hard to grow this business and it's like why does it feel so difficult?
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It's because when your identity, when your internal, is not aligned with the external that you're trying to create, it's like there's this like invisible force that's pulling you back every step of the way.
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Maybe you've experienced this in your journey, where it's like I take one step forward and two steps back.
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I have a really good month in my business and then suddenly next month I'm like right back where I started, like what is going on here?
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Here's what's happening.
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You got to expand internally to hold the kind of business that you're trying to build.
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This is alignment, renee.
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Yeah, for sure.
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Alignment is really the key.
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It's creating that alignment between the internal and the external, and it starts with the internal right, so you become the kind of person that creates the level of success that you want in your business first, and then it drops in on the outside.
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It's not that you don't have to do work, it's not that you don't need the strategy, but that's like, again, the 20%, the 10% of it, the 90, 90 of it is the internal, and this has never been more real and alive for me than it is in this moment, as I'm seeing this unfold in my own life and I'm going to talk about that in a bit.
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You know what this looks like for me if I'm walking this.
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This is like alive for me right now.
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So we're going to talk about the internal today and really what this is about like if.
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If there was like a tangible way that I could like give this to you, it's okay.
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So most of you are here because you want to make 10K a month or more as a coach.
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So what you do is you start asking yourself you wake up in the morning, you say, okay, maybe I'm not a 10K a month coach today, let's set that aside for a second.
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But if I was making 10k a month right now, in this moment, if I was a six-figure coach, how would I walk through my day?
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What decisions would I make?
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How would I show up in the world?
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Who would I be?
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How would I make decisions?
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How would I think about this client that I'm about to sign?
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How would I show up in my marketing?
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And you start doing that.
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And then the outside changes and suddenly you wake up and you're like, holy crap, I got a six figure coaching business.
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So it starts with that.
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It starts with the identity piece and then the external shifts and changes, and so we're going to be talking about today that identity piece.
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I want to share with you 12 of the biggest identity shifts that you can make as someone who is expanding to hold six figures, to hold multiple six figures, to hold the next stage of your evolution and growth as a coach.
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And on the deepest level.
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I believe that all of us are here because we're beings that want to expand.
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Like your desire to grow, a coaching business is more about that than anything else.
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It your desire to grow, a coaching business is more about that than anything else.
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It's that there's this like you're here because there's this calling inside you.
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There's this like thing, this nudge from your soul, you can feel it right and there's a part of you that wants more.
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That's what we're here for.
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So what it's really about is this expansion.
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It's expanding into the next level of yourself, and when you can expand into that, then the external changes and you have the business that you want.
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So you got to become it first, okay, so we're going to talk about those identity shifts today, 12 identity shifts that you can make in order to make that happen.
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And it's less about making something happen.
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I don't love those words because that's kind of like an egoic way of looking at it.
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It's really not about doing anything.
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It's really about letting go of all the barriers that you're placing between yourself and the business that you want.
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What if the business that you wanted was here already?
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What if there was nothing to do?
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What if it was more about letting go surrendering, releasing more about letting go surrendering, releasing all of the fear, the anxiety, the barriers.
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You know, the stuff that we place between us and the business is already on some level, it already exists.
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The people who are ready to hire you at the next level of your income and success as a coach they're already there.
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Imagine that.
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You know, just try that on for a second.
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Now there's some people here who don't know who I am.
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Maybe you just clicked an ad of mine.
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You're like who the heck is this guy?
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Is this even a real webinar?
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It's just some weird recording or something.
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So, if that's you, my name is Jason Moss.
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I'm a business coach.
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I work exclusively with coaches and I help coaches grow their businesses.
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Nice to meet you, charlie, good to meet you too.
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And my work really sits at the intersection between the intellect and the heart, and what I truly believe about building a coaching business is it's really about growing ourselves and the business gets to expand as a result of that.
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And so this integration between, like those two things it's like how do we like use the head as a tool, how do we use the intellect as a tool, but how do we also ground into our heart, like bringing those two things together is the magic that I live in in the coaching that I do, and the coaches that come to us, that work with us, are really looking for that integration.
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They're tired of running a business from their head.
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They're tired of feeling like everything is effort.
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You know they want a way of showing up that feels aligned so they can serve and grow and contribute and make great money and also do in a way that feels good.
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And that is the work that I'm excited about today and the impact that we get to make together.
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Online business training, where I walk through a four-step roadmap.
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I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars of coaching, consulting and courses online.
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It's going to make the journey of growing your business so much easier.
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I want to give this to you for free.
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All you got to do to access it is go to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.
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That's jasonmosscom forward slash G-R-O-W-T-H to get free access to this training right now.
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Now back to the episode.
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So I want to dive into these 12 identity shifts and talk about these.
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The first, probably one of the biggest ones, is six-figure coaches are all in, all in on their coaching, all in on their business.
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Here's the thing about the universe there is a flow in life, there is a river in life.
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That is what life is doing.
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Life is like a river and you can either be in the river, flowing down the river, you can be on the banks watching the river, which is what most people are doing.
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They're like, oh man, look at all those other people in the river.
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They have an awesome life.
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Why don't I have an awesome life?
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That's being on the banks.
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Then there's people who are like one foot on the banks and one foot in the river, and maybe some of you are there today and if you look at your life and you ask yourself, like where am I straddling in my business?
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Where am I half in?
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Maybe it's that there's a part of you like embody the identity of like I'm a coach, like I'm here to own this identity of being a coach.
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Maybe you're hanging on to a full-time job and you're like you know I'm going to get a promotion in six months and you know, maybe they'll promote me and things will be better.
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I really wanted my heart to be a coach, you know full-time, but I'm, like you know, kind of straddling.
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Maybe it's a kind of client that you want to serve.
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Maybe there's a type of person out there that you really feel called to serve, but there's a party that's like I don't know the stories.
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You know like maybe I can't do that, or imposter syndrome, or there aren't going to be enough people out there who can pay me in that niche, or all the stories that we tell ourselves.
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So the straddling right, you can feel it energetically, that one foot in, one foot out.
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Ashley says are you reading my journal?
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I know it because I know it for myself.
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I'll give you an example two plus years we've been serving almost exclusively brand new coaches and helping coaches launch their businesses.
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And after two years of doing that, I was just like I'm ready for another conversation.
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I'm feeling called to more.
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I want to work with people who are more established, who are further along in their journeys, and help them grow.
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People who have already coaches, who have already launched their businesses and are ready to scale to the next level.
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And it took me like I felt that way for like three months, hung on to the old niche for three months and sat with that, even though I knew in my heart that that was what I wanted to do.
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I was like I don't have the courage to like fully step into this.
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And so it took me three months of that and what started happening in my life was like there's like more and more discomfort and pain.
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This is what life wants to do.
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It wants to expand, right?
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So when you're blocking the flow of life, what starts to happen is like a dam.
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There's like a river trying to like flow through you and you're like blocking it with the dam and more and more and more pressure builds up.
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So I started feeling like resentful of our clients.
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I was like, screw these people, I don't want to work with them anymore.
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The revenue in our business started taking a hit because I was like self-sabotaging on a certain level, right.
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And then finally I was like, okay, we're going to do this, like I'm all in, I'm going to make this transition and let go of the thing that was safe and that was really really hard for me.
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And it's funny because you know, we did that and we kind of did it like 98%.
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And then there was still a part of me that was like kind of hanging on to the old and what started happening was you know cause we take.
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We take all these sales calls, probably done like 300 calls over the past uh, you know few years in my business.
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And so sometimes, like I'll do a sales call with someone and then, like three months later they'll come back and they'll be like okay, I'm ready.
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And what's interesting is like the people that I talked to like three months earlier, like I was in a completely different energy, like I was a different person three months ago.
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The kinds of clients that I was serving were different.
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And so last week, this guy who reached out to me he's like I'm ready to sign up and it was somebody I spoke to like three, four months ago, pretty new coach, and I knew in my heart, I just felt it, in my intuition, I was like I shouldn't work with this guy and I took his money anyways because I was in scarcity.
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I was like when someone's handing you $7,500, at least for me at this stage in my evolution and journey it's hard to say no.
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And so I sat with that for a week after signing him on board and two nights ago I was laying in bed and I'm staring up at the ceiling.
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It's like 9.30 at night and I'm like I know in my heart I got to let this guy go because he's not in alignment with the new thing.
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And I know if I wanna anchor into the new thing, I need to be all in.
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I can't be straddled, because life can't move through me when I'm straddled, when I'm on the fence.
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But my ego was like no, I can't do that.
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That would be the worst thing ever.
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I felt so much resistance around letting go.
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But here's the thing.
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You know this is a practice that I love.
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You know you want to know, like, what the right decision is.
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To make People think decisions are complicated they're not.
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The only reason they're complicated is because we spend too much time up here.
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If you really want to know the right decision to make whenever you're at a choice point in your life, in your business, here's what you do.
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You ask yourself the question okay, in this case I'll just use this as an example I've got two choices I can either keep this client on board or I can let him go.
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And so what I did was I said, okay, let me feel into keeping this client on board.
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And I checked in with my body, not my head, didn't think it through.
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I said what does it feel like in my body to keep this client on board?
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And I noticed this feeling of like contraction.
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It just felt smaller.
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And on the flip side, I thought about letting him go and it felt super expansive.
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Life wants to expand through us, right?
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So if you trust the expansion, trust the expansion, trust the pull, trust that part of you that feels that expansion, you get in the flow, you get in the river and life starts to work for you instead of you fighting the flow and feeling like everything's harder than it needs to be.
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So I let him go.
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I sent him a text.
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I was like, hey, man, I'm really sorry, I gotta give you a refund.
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I made a mistake.
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It wasn't in alignment.
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He took it really well, by the way, to his credit.
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And the next day I woke up and our inbox was literally like flooded with applications and email sales.
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We made like $30,000 in like two days, and it's not surprising to me.
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That's the result of not like getting off the fence, because when you're straddled, life can't work for you.
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And when you get off the fence and you make a commitment and you choose to be all in on whatever it is that you feel like you need to be all in on, that's when you got the wind at your back.
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So my question to you is where in your business have you got?
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One foot in one camp and one in the other Could be your life, too.
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People think life and business are separate.
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Wherever you go, there you are.
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That's Jon Kabat-Zinn.
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I love that quote because it's so true you and your life, you and your relationships, you and your finances, you and your.
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It's all one thing.
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So just look at your life and ask yourself where am I straddling?
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Where do I know in my heart I need to make a decision, to commit to something?
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But I'm kind of like in the energy of like holding one foot in one camp and one in the other and I want you to get curious about the resistance around that, because you can feel it Like some of you are here and you're like I know there's something I need to do, but I'm feeling like some level of resistance around it.
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No judgment, god knows, I'm hard enough on myself.
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I don't need another layer of judgment.
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There's no shame, this guy says, just became a person with more than two legs.
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I love it.
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So get curious about the resistance, you know, and ask yourself what is that Like?
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What am I actually really afraid of?
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The thing about the ego is really interesting is like it's not real, like the fear is not real, but it's like it's an imagined fear.
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So sometimes just confronting it and just asking yourself what was I so afraid of?
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Was letting go of that client?
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We made $100,000 in January.
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I'm worried about letting go of a $7,500 client.
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What do, I think, is going to happen.
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Just confronting that, just asking yourself what is that about?
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Just getting curious about that, curious about that.
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What I can tell you, what I know for sure in the pit of my being, is that all-in energy, like the being, all-in on your coaching, on your business, on what you're here to do, the work that you're here to do.
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All of you are here because, on some level, you have a mission, you have a purpose, you have a calling.
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There's something that is here.
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You all know it and either you're choosing to resist it or you're choosing to lean into it.
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And my invitation is that you lean in and you lean into trust and faith and watch what happens, watch what magic happens on the other side.
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Let me know how that lands for you in the chat, by the way.
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So we're going to move on to number two.
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Second identity shift this idea of charging what you're worth.
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How many people here feel like they're undercharging?
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Good, you're not alone there.
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In most of the coaches I work with, by the way, people think I do like magic.
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I do, on some level, like there is some magic here.
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I'm not doing anything, by the way.
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Life is just doing it through me.
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But on a deeper level, like when people come into my programs, one of the first things we do is we just like they're like I want to make more money.
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I'm like, okay, well, why don't you just double your prices?
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And they're like, well, but in my niche.
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And then the story comes Like it might no one's going to pay me that in my niche, and well, that might work for you as a business coach, but because I do, you know, spiritual healing, whatever, like that's not going to work.
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My people won't pay that, or I don't think I'm worth that or whatever it is.
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So notice the story.
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That's what I want you to be curious about in this moment.