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Welcome to the Jason Moss Show, where established online business owners go to increase their income, freedom and impact.
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I'm your host, jason Moss.
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Let's dive in.
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So last night I'm sitting down for dinner with my friend, joe he's an amazing breathwork practitioner, incredible at what he does and we're sitting having dinner and in the middle of the dinner he pauses and he says Jason, I have a confession to make.
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I'm actually kind of like really uncomfortable with sales.
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I feel like a lot of resistance around selling, around selling what I do.
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I know I'm amazing at what I do, but when it comes to sales, I just feel all this resistance at what I do.
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But when it comes to sales, I just feel all this resistance.
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And here's the truth.
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I told him this.
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I said, joe, if there's one thing that comes up more than anything else with the clients that I work with, it's that so many people I mentor have resistance around sales.
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They know they need to sell on some level in order to make money in their business, but on another level, they feel like icky about sales.
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They feel like sales is manipulative or sleazy or they feel like they have to compromise their values or integrity in order to sell what they do and, as a result, it's costing them income, clients impact and, actually paradoxically, getting in the way of them really being able to serve and help other people.
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So in this episode today, I want to take a deep dive into what it actually takes for you to sell without being salesy in your business, and this completely changed the game for me.
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I'm so passionate about this because I've studied the art and science of sales for so long.
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I was a former director of sales, leading a sales team in a multi-seven-figure coaching business before I became a business coach.
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So I've really been in the trenches of the sales world and I used to feel a lot of resistance around sales, a lot of icky, uncomfortable feelings around sales.
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But over time, through integrating so many of the things we're gonna be talking about in this episode today, I've been able to develop a relationship with sales where I love sales today.
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It's so much fun, it's an awesome way that I get to help people and, as a result, I've also generated well over a million dollars of sales in coaching consulting courses in my business, because I've learned to see sales differently and I don't feel that icky resistance around sales today when I get on a sales call and talk about what I do.
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So my goal is you walk away from this episode feeling that way too, or at least being on your way to feeling that way too, or at least being on your way to feeling that way in your business, which again is going to allow you to increase your income, make a bigger impact, help more people and also make a lot more money through the work that you actually do.
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So what is the core idea I want to share with you in this episode today?
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Well, the core idea is in order for you to sell without being salesy, the number one key is you've got to shift your sales beliefs.
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The reason why people feel resistance around sales is because they have a story that they're telling themselves about what sales is that is in conflict with their values.
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It requires them, on some level, to sacrifice their integrity or their value for wanting to take care of other people or to do the right thing, and so we have this cognitive dissonance and so many entrepreneurs I meet have this where, on some level, we feel like we want to sell because it is helpful to other people, but we also have these other stories or these beliefs that we're essentially telling ourselves that sales is a bad thing, that sales requires taking advantage of people or manipulating people, or that we have to compromise our values in order to do it, and so this creates this kind of and I describe this oftentimes when I work with clients.
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It's like when we talk about limiting beliefs, when you have a limiting belief around any aspect of your business and this is such a big part of what I do when I work with clients is unearth what these actually are and help people overcome them.
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What happens is it's like you got one foot on the gas in your business and another foot on the brake and you're trying to drive the car forward, but because you've got this limiting belief that tells you you need to compromise some aspect of yourself that, on some level, you're not willing to compromise.
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It's like we got this push-pull tension going on in the business, and for so many entrepreneurs, this is the thing that's actually holding them back from growth.
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So being able to unearth what these actual limiting beliefs really are and then overcome them is the key to being able to move forward in your business from a place where you don't feel like there's all this resistance holding you back.
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So you got one foot on the gas pedal and you're moving forward, and you're moving forward a lot more easily versus wasting all this energy because you got one foot on the brake, because you got this limiting belief or the story that you're telling yourself about sales or about some other aspect of your business that's holding you back.
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So overcoming sales resistance and learning how to sell without being salesy is really about shifting these sales beliefs and that is what we're going to talk about today.
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So I want to talk about a couple of toxic sales beliefs first, because oftentimes these are probably some of the biggest beliefs that I find that get in the way when it comes to feeling a sense of ease around sales and not feeling like it's this icky, manipulative, salesy thing.
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So the first thing probably one of the biggest toxic beliefs around sales is this idea that sales is all about you.
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The goal of a sales call when you get on the phone is to convince somebody to buy your stuff.
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Call when you get on the phone is to convince somebody to buy your stuff.
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When you think sales is all about you, you will inherently resist it, because when you think sales is all about you, it means that you basically have to manipulate and coerce and objectify somebody else in order to fit into your agenda.
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It's a completely self-focused game, and the people who think about sales this way rightfully so have resistance around it, because if I think sales is all about me, then where does that leave you in our conversation?
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There's no room for you, there's no room for your desires and dreams and goals and challenges and for me to actually even understand what you need and how I can help you.
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You know, I remember having a conversation once with a guy who was stuck I think it was around like eight to 10K a month in his business and we had a conversation and we were talking about how he viewed sales and I said well, what do you tell yourself before you get on a sales call?
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And he said Jason, I tell myself I'm going to close this deal.
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And I pumped myself up and I, you know, really get my energy good, and I know I'm going to you know, sign this client.
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I'm going to get on the phone, I'm going to close this deal.
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I'm like, well, that's why you're stuck at $8,000 to $10,000 a month.
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Man, when I was leading the sales team, we were doing like $300,000 a month.
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One of the biggest things I told my team was that if you get on the phone with the goal of closing someone else, paradoxically you will always make less money because sales is not fundamentally about you.
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You play a role in it, but it's actually much more about the other person than it is about you, which means the goal when you get on a sales call is not necessarily to make a sale and we'll talk about this a little bit more later, but that might seem kind of paradoxical.
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It's like well, I'm selling, isn't the goal to actually sell my stuff?
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Well, no, not exactly.
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So we'll put a pin in that and come back to that a little bit later on.
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But this first toxic belief sales is all about you.
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This is one of the biggest things that I see that holds people back, that creates resistance around sales.
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The second toxic belief is this idea that sales requires manipulation or coercing someone or tricking someone into doing something that they don't want to do or something that's not fundamentally best for them.
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There's so many people when they think about sales they have that image of like the used car salesman it's coming out with the slick hair on the car lot trying to, you know, tell you.
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Oh, let me talk to my manager to see if, like, we can get a little discount and do all sorts of like, crazy, sleazy stuff to just get you to buy.
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Or we think of like Glenn Gary, glenn Ross that scene, if you've ever seen the movie always be closing.
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This idea of like sales being this hard, manipulative, sleazy coercion where it's like the other person is just a pawn in your game to try to make money.
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And this is so far away from what sales actually is, and every successful salesperson I've ever met, whether it's coaches or consultants or whatever it is you're selling.
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If you think that this is what you have to do in order to get people to buy your stuff, you're not going to want to do it Again, understandably.
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So we talk about this idea of limiting beliefs.
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It makes sense that if you had this belief, then you wouldn't want to sell, but so many people see sales this way.
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Do you see sales this way?
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If so, you're not alone.
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We can shift that belief.
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Sales is not about manipulating somebody else into doing something they don't want to do or something that's not truly best for them.
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We'll talk more about what sales is in a minute.
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And finally, the third toxic sales belief that holds so many people back is again this idea that sales is a win-lose game.
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Sales is about one person you winning, and the other person losing.
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Then, in order to make a sale on some level, it means that somebody is worse off and you're better off Again.
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If you see sales this way, you're going to struggle.
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It makes sense because we don't want to be in a win-lose game with other people.
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We care about other people, and if you didn't care about other people, you'd probably be like a psychopath.
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But you're not.
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You're someone with a heart.
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You're someone who cares about other people.
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Of course, if you think that sales is a win-lose game, you're going to feel resistance around it, right?
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So if any of this sounds like you, first of all, hopefully this should be validating.
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It's like oh wow, I can see some of these things.
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But also just to know that these are super common.
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You know our culture, how we view sales, how we view wealthy people.
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There's so much programming around this in our society, in our culture, that trains us to see these things in a negative light, and so many well-intentioned, good people have so much resistance around these things because of it.
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But here's the thing over time, I've come to see sales in a very different way from the way that I think most people do think about sales, and all of this again has come down to these beliefs how I see the sales process.
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So I want to share with you three empowering sales beliefs, three beliefs that I think are at the core of my own capacity to sell without resistance, to get on sales calls every week and to have a lot of fun and to make a lot of money doing it, and to do it in a way where I don't feel a sense of ick or resistance or salesiness.
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When I have conversations with people, and people often tell me Jason, you're so authentic, jason, you come off as so non-salesy and non-pushy and non-aggressive, and it's because I had these beliefs, but I didn't always have these things.
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So what are these three empowering sales beliefs?
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Well, the first this is so important.
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If I had one thing I had to share with you, this would probably be it.
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I mean everything in this training, in this episode, I think is super valuable, but this is definitely one of them.
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When it comes to sales, closing is a byproduct.
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It's never something to aim for.
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Imagine you went on a date with someone and before you were going out on that date, you said my goal is to sleep with this person tonight.
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Don't you just want to like throw up in your mouth when you hear that Some people do this?
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The idea for me of doing this is like I can't even imagine that.
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What a weird day it would be if that's what I had in my mind.
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And if you've ever been on a date with someone like that, where there's this kind of like weird needy energy, doesn't it actually push you away?
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The people who think they're going into a sales conversation trying to close, those people paradoxically make a lot less money, because when someone comes into a conversation and they feel like you have an agenda that you're trying to push them towards a yes, they don't want to work with you.
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It's the same thing if I were to go out with you on a date and you were trying to sleep with me.
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No, so what do you do on a date?
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You set that aside.
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You're like, hey, you know what?
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If that happens, cool.
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If we're feeling it, if we got a vibe going, things feel good and we're having a good time.
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We want to do that.
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What's my focus on this date?
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I just want to get to know this person.
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I want to have a good time.
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I want to see if we can connect.
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I'm going to hold the outcome, or the potential outcome, lightly and just focus on that connection and building that relationship.
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Now, paradoxically, if you go into a date like that, if the vibe is there, you're probably more likely to end up spending the night with someone.
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But if you go in holding that as a goal, my God, it's just going to sabotage the whole thing.
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So this is how I see the goal of sales.
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It's not about closing, like when I get onto a sales call.
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My inner dialogue is not I'm going to close this person.
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My inner dialogue is I want to understand this person.
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I want to understand where they're at, where they want to go, what their challenges are.
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I want to uncover what they really need to get from where they are today to where they want to be.
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That's my first priority.
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I'm not even thinking about myself.
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The first thing is I want to understand what this person needs and then from there I can ask myself the question well, can I help this person?
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Are they a good fit for what I do, based on what their challenges are and what the transformation is they want to make and what I think they need in order to solve that problem.
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So many people don't do this in sales and they wonder why they feel resistance around sales.
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It's kind of like if you were a doctor, you went into an office with a patient the patient was sitting on the crinkly paper on the chair and you came in and you had a pill in your back pocket and your goal was just like how do I figure out how to get this pill in that person's mouth?
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How do I figure out how to push this pill on them?
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That would be malpractice, would it not?
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So what does a good doctor do?
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The doctor doesn't come in thinking, oh, I'm going to sell you this pill.
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At least good doctors don't.
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The doctor comes in, and the doctor starts by just asking you questions hey, tell me about your symptoms, what's going on?
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How long has this been going on for?
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When was the last time you felt better?
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What have you tried?
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They're collecting information to make a diagnosis and then, once they make that diagnosis, then they can say okay, well, here's what we think is probably going to be.
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You know the best way to solve that problem.
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That's what a good doctor does.
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The same thing applies to the sales process.
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So not going into a sales conversation thinking you're going to close someone is really important, and if this is what you think sales is, then thinking you're going to close someone is really important.
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And if this is what you think sales is, then obviously you're going to feel resistance around it.
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Shifting the intention and the focus around a sales conversation from closing to diagnosis is probably one of the biggest keys to starting to melt away that sense of resistance or that ick or that sense of I feel sleazy when I'm going through this conversation because I'm really just trying to sell my stuff.
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Super important, this is so big.
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This really changed sales for me too.
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Hey, friend, hope you're enjoying this episode of the podcast and, before we get back to it, if you're an established online business owner who's serious about unlocking your next level of income and impact and growth in your business, I want you to watch my free million dollar online business training where I walk through a four-step roadmap.
00:17:47.130 --> 00:17:53.041
I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars of coaching, consulting and courses online.
00:17:53.041 --> 00:17:55.771
It's going to make the journey of growing your business so much easier.
00:17:55.771 --> 00:17:57.556
I want to give this to you for free.
00:17:57.556 --> 00:18:03.315
All you got to do to access it is go to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.
00:18:03.315 --> 00:18:11.416
That's jasonmosscom forward slash g-r-o-w-t-h to get free access to this training right now.
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Now back to the episode Number two, such an important belief.
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I was talking to my friend, joe about this last night.
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He actually wrote this down in his phone.
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He was like that, really landed.
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For me, a transaction is a gift.
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So many people see sales as a win-lose, but I see sales as an incredible opportunity where you're essentially extending the runway to someone else to allow them to exchange something of lesser value their money for something of greater value, whatever it is that you sell.
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In every good transaction, the only reason why someone's going to buy something is because they feel like whatever it is that you're offering them is worth more than you're asking them to give up.
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So in every business, essentially what we get to do, the gift that we get to give other people, is allowing them to exchange something that's inherently less valuable or useless.
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Because let's talk about what money actually is.
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Money is stored.
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Potential Money is not actually valuable in and of itself.
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The numbers on my bank account screen in my online banking don't do anything for me.
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I could just like stare at the money on my screen all day, but it's not gonna make me any happier.
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It's not gonna add any value to my life.
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Dollar bills in my wallet who cares?
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It's just a piece of paper.
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It's completely useless to me.
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I can't do anything of value directly with that.
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But as a business owner, the gift that you give other people is you allow them to exchange that thing that's inherently useless, or basically just stored potential, for something that is so much more valuable for something that's actually going to add value to their life, for your coaching program or for your course or for your service or whatever it is that you do.
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You allow somebody to exchange something less valuable for something that's more valuable, for something that's actually going to make their life better.
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More valuable for something that's actually going to make their life better.
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That is a gift.
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So the problem is that so many people see sales as this win-lose.
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They're so focused on what they're getting from someone else, the money that they're taking quote unquote from somebody else they don't realize that the thing that you're actually giving somebody else is way more valuable than the money that you're asking for.
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When I ask people to sign up for my programs, I know, if they apply the things that I teach them inside our accelerator program or one-to-one coaching with me, they're going to make 10 times, 50 times, 100 times their investment, just like I have.
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I mean, there's a reason I've invested $200,000 plus into business coaching and mentors people to help me grow.
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It's because, you know, those things have allowed me to generate well over a million dollars in a very short period of time and will extend into the future and allow me to generate tens of millions over the next however many years.
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So this, by the way, doesn't just apply if you're selling, make money, offers, whatever it is that you do.
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This is the key is seeing every transaction as a gift.
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The only reason a transaction is going to take place is because it adds more value to the buyer.
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That's what's so cool about business.
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We're creating more value for other people.
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You get paid as a byproduct of that.
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So, seeing every transaction as a gift, seeing this as not like I'm taking from other people and they're going to be worse off because of it, but recognizing that this is going to bring more to this person than what they're being asked to give up that is a big key to melting away a lot of the resistance that so many people feel around sales, because you start to see this as a win-win game, as a game where both people end up better off.
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What a gift, what a gift.
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That's so cool that we get to do this through sales.
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Okay, so that's number two empowering sales belief.
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Number three this is a big one too.
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I love this because I am someone who deeply cares about other people and I love that I get to sell from a place of deep service.
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And this is one of the things that makes sales so fun for me, because when I get on a sales call, the mindset that I have is sales to me, is the act of putting somebody else under my care.
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That's how I see sales Putting what's best for you above my own needs, which is not easy to do sometimes, but the reality is in my best days, and more and more I mean I don't get this right every day.
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You know sometimes I slip.
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I'm human, like everybody else.
00:23:00.595 --> 00:23:09.181
But more and more you know in sales conversations like my real focus is when I get on a call with someone.
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It's not about me.
00:23:09.982 --> 00:23:26.415
This is about me truly understanding what's right for you and placing what's best for you above my own needs, which, again, sounds good on paper, but it's possible to do in a sales conversation.
00:23:26.415 --> 00:23:28.035
And what does this look like?
00:23:28.035 --> 00:23:32.326
This is where it gets very interesting sales conversation and what does this look like?
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This is where it gets very interesting.
00:23:33.349 --> 00:23:39.902
Number one it means you don't let people buy more than they need, but you also don't let them buy less than they need.
00:23:39.902 --> 00:23:40.846
So this is very interesting.
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A lot of people don't think about this.
00:23:41.871 --> 00:23:56.313
It's like if someone gets on a sales call with me and they're like I want to buy your $2,500 program, but I'm like, hold on a second, like that may be right for you, but how about we just start like let me, you know, ask a few questions, let me understand, kind of, where you're at, what you need.
00:23:56.313 --> 00:23:59.059
We figure out together what the best next step is for you.
00:23:59.059 --> 00:24:03.554
And I asked some questions and I figure out that $2,500 program is not really going to serve them.
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The $7,500 program is what they actually need from a place of care.
00:24:09.001 --> 00:24:13.532
I can say, hey, I just don't think this is going to be exactly what you need.
00:24:13.532 --> 00:24:14.615
I think you need this instead.
00:24:14.615 --> 00:24:18.873
Now, on the flip side, sometimes the opposite is true.
00:24:18.873 --> 00:24:27.330
Sometimes someone gets on the phone with me, thinks they need this, and it's like, well, actually I think this is what you need instead, and so we could go the opposite way too.
00:24:27.330 --> 00:24:37.760
So, again, getting out of this mindset of like this is just, I just want to sell the most expensive thing because that's what's going to be best for me, and really asking ourselves, like, what is truly best for this person?
00:24:37.760 --> 00:24:39.773
Super, super powerful?
00:24:39.773 --> 00:24:43.950
And this is fundamentally about putting somebody else under your care, right?
00:24:44.790 --> 00:24:50.259
The other thing is, sometimes you get on a sales call with someone and you just don't think you're the right person to help them.
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And when this happens, I don't even pitch.
00:24:53.643 --> 00:24:56.030
I get on sales calls all the time with people.
00:24:56.030 --> 00:24:58.175
I'm just like I don't think this is going to work.
00:24:58.175 --> 00:25:01.972
I just don't think this is what you need right now.
00:25:01.972 --> 00:25:03.175
I don't think you're ready for this.
00:25:03.175 --> 00:25:04.921
I think you need to do this first.
00:25:04.921 --> 00:25:07.333
I don't think I'm the right person to help you.
00:25:07.333 --> 00:25:19.461
I think you should go over here and work with this person instead, versus what most people do when they get on sales calls, just like how do I figure out how to sell my stuff to them?
00:25:19.461 --> 00:25:21.548
Completely different mindset.
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The other thing is when you see sales as placing somebody else under your care.
00:25:24.069 --> 00:25:25.856
You're not afraid to ask hard questions.
00:25:25.856 --> 00:25:40.884
You're not afraid to say the uncomfortable thing that if you were worried about making a sale, you wouldn't say Like I challenge people all the time on sales conversations.
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I call them out on patterns of thinking that are keeping them stuck.
00:25:46.260 --> 00:25:46.903
That I see.
00:25:46.903 --> 00:25:52.153
And sometimes I feel like when I get on a sales call with someone, they're just not all in on their vision.
00:25:52.153 --> 00:25:55.574
So, rather than just jumping to my pitch, I'll be like, hey, can I be honest with you?
00:25:55.574 --> 00:25:59.311
I'm just sensing this might not be something that's like a top priority for you right now.
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And I work with people who are all in, because the people who are successful in my programs, those are the people who are 100% committed.
00:26:05.835 --> 00:26:08.138
So is there something I'm missing here?
00:26:08.138 --> 00:26:10.702
Or, you know, does any of that resonate for you?
00:26:10.702 --> 00:26:16.772
I'll ask those questions.
00:26:16.772 --> 00:26:17.234
I'll call people out.
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You know so many people.
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I remember when I was a director of sales I had this guy on my team.
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His name was Zach.
00:26:19.986 --> 00:26:21.009
Amazing salesperson he was.
00:26:21.009 --> 00:26:23.773
He was pretty like he could be pretty aggressive with people.
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But when I say aggressive, I don't mean aggressive in a negative way.
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I mean in a way where he was very assertive that's maybe a better word.
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He would really call out all the uncomfortable things that people were afraid to admit to themselves and he would get emails afterwards after sales calls and he was our top performer, by the way, in terms of sales.
00:26:44.558 --> 00:26:48.480
He would get emails afterwards with people thanking him for a sales call.