Nov. 11, 2024

What Nobody Tells You About “Consistent Income” In Business

Struggling with the myth of flawless consistency in your business? Let's rethink what stability truly means. For over 18 years, I've ridden the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, eventually realizing that the push for machine-like precision only fueled stress and burnout. My journey from a rigid business model to one that's more aligned with natural rhythms has transformed my approach, and I'm sharing how embracing these cycles can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable business experience.

Ever wonder why we chase consistency so fervently? It often stems from a misplaced quest for security. I reflect on my past attempts to force my business into rigid structures, which, despite financial success, left me depleted. Transitioning to a nature-aligned approach has not only breathed new life into my content creation but has also brought a healthier work-life balance. By recognizing and respecting personal rhythms, we open the door to more authentic connections with our audience and a business model that thrives on flexibility.

Financial stability is important, but have you considered the power of internal security? I share personal insights from a tough business pivot that taught me the importance of trusting in oneself over financial metrics alone. This episode unpacks the balance between evergreen strategies and live launches to smooth out revenue fluctuations, advocating for a business model that adapts to change. By focusing on internal strength and long-term growth, we can weather the inevitable ebbs and flows with resilience and confidence. Join me as I explore these lessons learned and invite you to rethink the pursuit of consistency in your entrepreneurial journey.

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00:03 - The Myth of Consistency in Business

08:18 - Building Business in Alignment With Nature

14:02 - Creating Business Stability Through Evergreen Strategies

24:27 - Finding Stability Beyond Consistency in Business


00:00:03.084 --> 00:00:10.365
Welcome to the Jason Moss Show, where established online business owners go to increase their income, freedom and impact.

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I'm your host, jason Moss.

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Let's dive in.

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I talk to online business owners almost every single day, and if there's one thing that people tell me that they want more than pretty much everything else, it's this idea of consistency consistent income, consistent clients.

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Maybe this is you too you want the same amount of money coming into your business every single month, or the same amount of clients, or to have a business that runs like clockwork, a business that generates consistent income month after month after month.

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As a business coach, I want to sell this to you because I make more money when I talk about the thing that people actually want.

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But the problem is consistency, at least in the way that many business owners imagine it does not actually exist.

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It's not real.

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Chasing this myth, this thing that is perpetuated by business coaches out there trying to sell stuff, and they're feeling stressed.

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They're feeling like they're not where they should be because their business is up and down or they have some months that are good and some months that aren't, or they're feeling like they're chasing programs and signing up for all these things that promise this myth of consistency, like there's some magic system that you can put into your business, install some three-step funnel that's going to make it so that clients come in consistently, like clockwork, and you have the same amount of money coming into your business every single month.

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It drives me crazy to think about this, because the truth is, there's so many people out there that are taking advantage of because of this, and I don't think we're really having the honest conversation about what we can actually expect as business owners, what is realistic, what is actually real when it comes to running a business.

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I want to talk about this today.

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I want to talk about consistency and share with you the truth about what it actually looks like to run an online business.

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Based on 18 plus years of building businesses online, selling well over a million dollars of stuff online, I've been in the journey long enough to know what it actually looks like.

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I want to with you the truth.

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I wanna share with you how you can create, in this episode, more stability in your business, because I think that's the thing that most people are after.

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It's not necessarily like clockwork consistency, but a feeling of stability in their business, and I think it's possible to create that, and there are some practical things I'm gonna be sharing with you in this episode to help you create more of that, and, finally, just the honest truth about what I think is reasonable to expect as an online business owner.

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So this episode, I think, is going to be busting a big myth that holds so many online business owners back, excited to dive in with you today.

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So here's the core idea I want to share with you, the thing that I think is probably underneath what it actually takes to run a successful business.

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So I think of business as an extension of nature and, like all things in life, business, because it is a part of nature, should follow the rhythms and cycles of nature.

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So I'm here in Colorado I don't know if you can see outside, but there's snow on the ground and I used to live in California where there weren't really any seasons it was kind of like the same temperature every single month of the year.

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But when I moved to Colorado, one of the things that became very clear to me was that there were these big swings in seasons and the summer was really hot, and then, you know, we're now moving into winter and we got snow on the ground.

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It was like all the plants die, and there's this rhythm of life that is very present to me when I go outside and I experience nature.

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In Colorado, it wasn't so much in California, but you could still experience the rhythms in California too.

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There were certain seasons where it was sunny, certain seasons where it would rain a lot, and the truth is, if you look at life and the way that life works, there are natural rhythms, ebbs and flows in life itself.

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This is just how life is.

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Life is not consistent.

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It's not like every season is the same, but somehow we have this idea, when it comes to growing a business, that our business is gonna look different from life, and that, I think, is really the core of the problem.

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You know, so much of the issues that we have in our world today are caused, in my opinion, by a departure from the natural rhythms and the natural flow of life.

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We're also cut off from our natural rhythms, even of our bodies of ourselves, cut off from our natural rhythms even of our bodies of ourselves.

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So many of us.

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So much of the corporate structures that exist are about creating machines that basically cut us off from our life force and from the natural ebbs and flows of our bodies, of nature, of the rhythms of life.

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But the truth is, whenever you're trying to push against nature, whenever you're trying to create something or build something in a way that is not in alignment with nature, it's not going to work, it's not going to be sustainable.

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It's like you're trying to push a boulder up a hill against gravity instead of going with the flow of gravity.

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Yeah, I often describe this in business when I work with clients.

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But there is a flow in life, there is a river in life.

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This is kind of how I think about it, and the goal as I see it I don't even wanna use the word goal, that's maybe not the best word, but the way to be in life, the way that creates ease and freedom and true inner peace, is to go with the flow of life.

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It's like, if you imagine a river, you can either fight your way upstream all the time and try to run your business or grow your business doing that, or you can work with the flow of life, you can float down the river, and so so much of what I do with my clients is helping them find what that flow looks like for them, helping them become able to really discern what that flow is in their own experience, and it's something that I've struggled with, continue to struggle with at times in my life.

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I think it's just what it means to be human, but when it comes to consistency going back to what we're talking about today to be human, but when it comes to consistency, going back to what we're talking about today, this idea of consistent income clockwork income, this idea that you can create a system that basically just creates the same result every single month, like clockwork, in my experience just doesn't exist.

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It's not a product of nature, so it can't exist.

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And when we try to chase it as business owners and I see so many people out there doing this, I've done this in times because it's so attractive, that idea of consistency it ends up creating a lot of stress and it ends up cutting us off in many cases from our own natural life force and flow and from a way of growing our business that, in my experience, just feels so much more easy, so much more fun, because we're working with our bodies, with nature, instead of pushing against them.

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So there's a couple of key ideas I wanna share with you today, but really that's the most important one, which is your business because it is a product of nature, because we're's the most important one, which is your business, because it is a product of nature, because we're all a product of nature is going to follow the ebbs and flows of nature, which means there are going to be some times when things are in growth mode, like you're in the spring, and revenue is going to go up.

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And then there are going to be other times when it's not, when things might go down, when you might have some low months, when you're working through a challenge or a pivot or you're going through a hard time personally, and that's okay, it's not a problem, it's actually not a problem.

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So the first thing is just I mean, wow, how freeing is it to just hear that.

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I think for so many people it's like, wow, that's not a problem, because as entrepreneurs, I don't know about you, but I make it a problem.

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Sometimes I'm like, oh, this is a problem that needs to be solved.

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There's a lack of consistency and I need to fix that.

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And actually, what we're going to be talking about today in this episode, is what's underneath the desire for consistency, which is really a desire for security and safety.

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And if we try to seek that in a business through creating consistent income.

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It's actually, in my experience, it's trying to chase something in a place that can't actually be found and it's a losing battle.

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So many people try to do this and then they end up frustrated and discouraged because they're trying to do something that can't be done.

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They're trying to chase a feeling that can't actually be found in their business.

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So, zooming out here, the first thing is, I think the key to sustainable business growth business growth that doesn't burn you out is to build your business in alignment with nature and the natural rhythms and cycles and ups and downs of nature, instead of trying to build a business that negates those cycles.

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So for me, this has been a practice because I used to be if you look at how I used to run my business, it was very much against those natural cycles.

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I used to really preach this idea of consistency and this idea of structure in business, being this very mechanistic thing.

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So, when I look at how I used to create content, I started my first real official online business back in 2016.

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It was a coaching business helping other musicians, and I have a background in music.

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I studied music in college and so I was helping other musicians learn how to record and mix their own music online.

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And I basically created this structure in my life and in my business where I would do everything in a very time-blocked way, and so I would create content on a schedule and I would record and batch record videos when I had a time block on my calendar and every other Friday.

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And I would record and batch record videos when I had a time block on my calendar and every other Friday I would record you know five videos and it would be this very like mechanistic thing and I wasn't really attuned to my own body and to what I actually felt like I wanted to do in a given moment.

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It was more like I was creating this structure in my business to basically force me into like being a machine in my business, and so many people operate their businesses in this way.

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It was like everything's time blocked and everything's so structured and regimented.

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And I, what happened was I did that for a couple of years and I was able to create a business that was doing six figures and OK, so I had some success, but I burned out after a couple of years.

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What I found was I was so cut off from myself because I wasn't attuned to those rhythms in my own experience that I burned out no-transcript instead of floating down the river.

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So, when I look at how I used to create content versus what I do today, which is much more of this place, of what do I feel inspired to talk about?

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I had no idea I was going to talk about this this morning, but I woke up and I the honest truth, if I'm being really honest with you is I actually sent out a sales email to my list and I talked about consistent clients in the email and then, as soon as I sent it out, I was thinking, okay, what do we wanna talk about in this video today?

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And I realized, yeah, I kind of feel like that idea of consistent clients and consistent income, like I actually feel like I'm somewhat lying to my people or I'm not telling them the full story, and I felt uncomfortable about that and I was like, well, we should probably do a video on that.

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So now I'm here recording this episode, but the truth is I had no idea this was going to happen this morning and so, more and more, I'm much more in this place, in my business, where I let my inspiration and the thing that I'm excited to share and talk about lead.

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And sometimes that means I wake up on a Thursday and I'm exhausted and I don't really want to work and I don't, I just lay in bed and I read.

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And sometimes it means I wake up on a Saturday, I'm like raring and ready to go and I don't really time block anything anymore.

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You know, I used to do a lot of that, but now I'm much more attuned to the natural rhythms of my body and there are times in my business where I'm feeling a lot of momentum and a lot of like go energy and I might make more sales and I might sign more clients because I'm more in this kind of externally focused, more like push energy.

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And then there are other times where it feels really good for me to rest and to take some time off and maybe I don't want to do a launch.

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So rather than boxing me into all of these like rigid frameworks and structures that cut me off from those rhythms, frameworks and structures that cut me off from those rhythms, I'm much more attuned to where I am in a given moment and I let that be the thing that drives the business.

00:13:51.048 --> 00:14:02.304
So this is an example of building a business in alignment with you and in alignment with those rhythms, instead of trying to iron them out or push against them.

00:14:02.586 --> 00:14:20.259
Hey friend, hope you're enjoying this episode of the podcast and, before we get back to it, if you're an established online business owner who's serious about unlocking your next level of income and impact and growth in your business, I want you to watch my free million dollar online business training where I walk through a four-step roadmap.

00:14:20.259 --> 00:14:26.182
I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars of coaching, consulting and courses online.

00:14:26.182 --> 00:14:28.889
It's going to make the journey of growing your business so much easier.

00:14:28.889 --> 00:14:30.682
I want to give this to you for free.

00:14:30.682 --> 00:14:36.441
All you got to do to access it is go to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.

00:14:36.441 --> 00:14:44.544
That's jasonmosscom forward slash G-R-O-W-T-H to get free access to this training right now.

00:14:44.544 --> 00:14:45.934
Now back to the episode.

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So, looking at your business today and how you're showing up and asking yourself am I trying to build and structure and mechanize this thing in a way that is cutting me off from my own life force?

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Am I chasing this idea of consistency, of this idea that I can create this perfect system where everything is predictable and it's like a machine assembly line type thing, or am I creating something where I'm tapped in and aligned with who I am and with where I am in a moment.

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With who I am and with where I am in a moment Two very different ways to run a business, and I'm not even going to say that the other one is a problem.

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I mean, for many people this is how they run businesses, and there's great examples of businesses out there that are built this way.

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But it's not the type of business that I teach people how to run today and build today, and it's not the type of business that has particularly worked well for me in terms of going beyond the surface of just generating income and creating a business that actually feels good, a business that you enjoy showing up in, a business that doesn't feel like a grind.

00:16:01.384 --> 00:16:07.172
And so many people I see behind the scenes who are running businesses in this overly structured, rigid way.

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They're burned out, they're exhausted, they're feeling like there's no passion behind what they're doing because they're so cut off from themselves.

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So the key, the first key, I think, is building in alignment with those rhythms instead of pushing against them, and this means you have to accept that your business is not going to be this like clockwork consistency thing.

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You have to accept that your business is not going to be this like clockwork consistency thing and that's okay, it's not a problem.

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You know, some months I have like really high months, like our June we had, like it was like $135,000 a month, and some months we don't make nearly that amount of money.

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You know, sometimes I'm just taking some time off, so things are up and down.

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If you look at my Stripe account and my revenue, you'll see there are a lot of swings.

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It is not this flat line or it's not just this straight line that's going up.

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There are high months, there are low months.

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Overall, if you look at the trend, things are headed in a good direction, like we're we're, you know, we're building, we're growing.

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But it's not this like stable clockwork thing.

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So that's number one building in alignment with those rhythms.

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Number two like so.

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So I don't.

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I don't think it's possible to create consistency in the sense that every month is the same or you sign the exact same amount of clients every single month.

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This is like clockwork thing.

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But I do think it's possible to create greater stability in a business and to create a situation where, instead of these like wild peaks and valleys, you have more of like a baseline level of revenue, and then there are like some smaller peaks.

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It's more like hills instead of mountains is maybe another way of putting it and I think for a lot of people that's a better situation.

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This is what they actually want and it's okay if you have these kind of hills and valleys, but it's not this like dramatic swing in income and I think it's possible to create a business that has that.

00:18:05.105 --> 00:18:07.892
So my aim is how do we create?

00:18:07.892 --> 00:18:13.961
When I work with entrepreneurs who desire more consistency, it's how do we create more stability in the business?

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Not to try to aim for this like perfect system, but is there a way that we can iron out some of these peaks and valleys so that things become a little bit more smooth?

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And there are some practical things that you can do to do that in a business.

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Probably one of the biggest ones is your model for how you sell, and one of the biggest things I see with people who do have these like wild swings in revenue month to month is oftentimes they're running based on a launch model where they have live programs that they're launching and so they'll do a big launch and that's like a quick hit of cash and then the next month, if they don't launch something new, that revenue dries up and so they're kind of in this cycle where they constantly need to be launching new things and that creates a lot of instability in a business.

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So one of the biggest things that I'll do with folks like that, and something that we've done in our business, is actually pairing evergreen with live launches.

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I think launches are great and anyone who says you shouldn't be launching, I think, is missing the boat.

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In my opinion.

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I think they're missing out on the reality that there's something really magical about launches.

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You look at all of the biggest businesses in the world Apple, tesla, I mean all these companies.

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They're all doing launches.

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There's a reason why it's because they work.

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They're effective.

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A launch is a great way to mediate attention and to create an event or an opportunity or for a moment where someone can convert.

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But if that's your entire sales vehicle in your business and you don't have evergreen things, that you're running on the back end in the middle of those launches, when you're not launching, then you're going to create a lot more instability.

00:19:58.147 --> 00:20:11.582
And if that's a problem for you, integrating evergreen into your business, where you have an offer, for example, we have our accelerator program that's always open on the the backend, and so we constantly have new clients who are coming into that program.

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And on top of that, I can do launches when I have things I want to share, like the last two months.

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We've done workshops and I've launched new workshops the past two months, and so that provides some additional income on top of the stability of having that evergreen program.

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And so what it does is it turns a business with wild swings of income into something that's a little bit more stable when you have that evergreen component added in.

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So, looking at your business model and asking yourself am I just doing live launches?

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If so, is there room to integrate more of an evergreen component and use that to kind of buffer out some of the wild swings of my launches?

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It doesn't mean you don't still do launches.

00:20:53.748 --> 00:20:58.211
I think launches are great, but that's not where 100% of your income is coming from.

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Maybe it's half and half.

00:21:00.200 --> 00:21:07.792
So evergreen plus live launches there's also there's a lot of other ways that you can create more stability in terms of cash flow.

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Things like monthly recurring revenue If you have some kind of like a membership program or something that you're offering where people are paying on an ongoing basis, that can be a great way to create more stability.

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I don't think.

00:21:19.281 --> 00:21:21.769
For many entrepreneurs, this is a great core offer.

00:21:21.769 --> 00:21:23.884
A lot of people come to me.

00:21:23.884 --> 00:21:25.630
They're like oh, I want to sell membership programs.

00:21:25.630 --> 00:21:27.845
If you have a really big audience, I think it can be great.

00:21:27.845 --> 00:21:36.182
But for a lot of entrepreneurs that I meet, high ticket, like one-off programs are going to be a better way to generate more income in a business.

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You'll make more doing that than doing some kind of like monthly recurring membership program, but still can be something for the right entrepreneur to be able to experiment with.

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Even just payment plans can create more cashflow stability in a business.

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If you have a percentage of your clients who are paying over payment plans, then some of that cashflow is going to come in at a later date and that can create this baseline level of revenue in the business so that you're not in a situation where every single month you start at zero and you need to go out there and generate new clients to be able to hit your goals.

00:22:08.845 --> 00:22:16.347
So monthly recurring revenue or payment plans to create that cash flow stability these are all things that we've experimented with in the past.

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Finally, if you have some kind of systems in place or funnels that you can use to generate consistent traffic and consistent sales on the back end, using more of like an evergreen approach.

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For example, we have ads running in our business, so every single day we've got new leads coming into the business because we have a system that generates leads on an ongoing basis by the way, this is what we teach people inside Accelerator how to do.

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We've got a whole program called Limitless Leads that helps you do this and because we have that baseline level of lead flow coming into the business, it doesn't put me in a position where I have to constantly be doing new things to grow my audience.

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We've got consistent leads coming in the door, which means there's going to be a level of consistency in the business.

00:22:57.349 --> 00:23:07.695
It doesn't mean that things are consistent like clockwork, but there's more stability than someone who doesn't have that and basically has to go come up with new ways to generate new leads every single month.

00:23:07.695 --> 00:23:17.029
So, all this being said, I think, broadly speaking, there are some ways that we can create more consistency in a business and more stability in a business.

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It's not this clockwork thing, but it can turn a wild peak and valley type situation into more of these like smooth hills, so that you're not like just riding a roller coaster in your business.

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And finally, that brings us to number three.

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This is probably, I think, the most important thing.

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You know, when people say they want more consistency, I think what they really mean is I want to feel safe.

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And so much of us have this story and this narrative that when things are up and down on the outside and when we have inconsistent income on the outside, we don't feel safe.

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You know, that stresses us out, and it stresses us out because of the story that we tell ourselves about that.

00:24:01.769 --> 00:24:08.160
And I think there's a reality to the fact that when you have inconsistent cash flow, that can present some real challenges.

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If you're in a situation where there are certain months where maybe you're worried that you're not going to be able to make expenses or be able to pay your personal bills or things like that, those are obvious things.

00:24:18.142 --> 00:24:27.125
And so I think it's a good idea for us to create more consistency to be able to solve some of those problems, for us to create more consistency to be able to solve some of those problems, but on a deeper level.

00:24:27.259 --> 00:25:08.494
When I'm working with entrepreneurs on this and really, when I see like what's been most effective in my own life in terms of navigating this and I've been an entrepreneur for my whole life which I have a lot of time to really be able to work through this and I'm not perfect, I still struggle with this today but to me, it's much more about how do we take back control and power from our business and from looking to the business and looking to our bank account to make us feel safe and instead reclaim that sense of internal power that all of us have to feel safe in any moment.

00:25:08.494 --> 00:25:19.551
Because the truth is, whether your bank account is at zero or whether you have $5 million in the bank, there's always some people who are going to look at that.

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And there's some people who will feel perfectly safe having $0 in their bank account, and there's some people who, with $5 million in the bank account, will feel completely terrified that they're going to lose it all and won't be able to sleep at night.

00:25:32.622 --> 00:25:36.449
And I've met both people and I've been both people, by the way.

00:25:36.449 --> 00:25:45.181
So I think that the truth is that it's not the money in the bank account that makes you feel safe.

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It's the story that you tell yourself about the money in your bank account and how much money you're making, and there is the good news about that is there is always a possibility to create internal safety, regardless of what your external circumstances are.

00:26:02.590 --> 00:26:08.451
So, you know, in my life right now I mean the last few months in our business have been particularly challenging.

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Several months ago, I made a decision to pivot our business away from working with brand new coaches and towards working basically with only established online business owners, people who are already running a business, making money, who want to grow, and we've made that pivot several months ago.

00:26:28.429 --> 00:26:39.115
But we're really in the process right now of rebuilding our audience and really transitioning over our messaging and really fully owning that new space.

00:26:39.115 --> 00:27:03.563
And the reality is we spent three years building an audience, working with primarily new business owners, and then decided we're not going to sell to those people anymore, and so you know, we went from making like 60 K months on average to a significant drop in our revenue and the last three months we've like slowly started seeing an uptick to basically where we used to be.

00:27:03.563 --> 00:27:10.384
But there's a reality that it's going to take some time for us to build back and that's been a challenging season for me.

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It's been one of the hardest times I've had personally in my business since I started.

00:27:16.231 --> 00:27:26.849
There are days that I wake up and I feel really rooted in what we're building and what we're working towards, and there are other days that I feel afraid, that I'm worried, that you know what happens if things don't work or this doesn't work out.

00:27:26.849 --> 00:27:46.343
And I think for me the thing that's been most helpful has been reclaiming that internal sense of security, reminding myself that, no matter what, I'm okay, that my sense of safety does not come from my business, but for me it comes from my relationship with God.

00:27:46.343 --> 00:28:03.314
It comes from really feeling connected to who I really am and knowing that I am safe because of that, not because my business looks a certain way or because I'm creating a certain level of income, not because I have money, but because of that sense of internal connection.

00:28:03.314 --> 00:28:17.207
And when I can remember that, which has been a daily practice for me, it puts me in a position where I feel a sense of trust and safety and then I can show up in my business and do the things that I know I need to do.

00:28:17.207 --> 00:28:25.796
You know, when I look at where we are going to be in the next three to five years because of the pivots and the changes that we've made over the past six months.

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I'm excited about it, I'm optimistic, I'm really looking forward to what we're going to create, and I know that those decisions that we've made were exactly the right decisions for me and my business, and feeling that sense of internal connection and safety that I've created inside myself, independent of my business, has allowed me to show up with so much more stability on the outside, even when we're going through a time when we're in a dip in our revenue and that's a normal part of business.

00:28:55.441 --> 00:29:08.868
Every entrepreneur that I've ever mentored and worked with has had times like this too when you make a pivot, when you change your marketing strategy, sometimes even just when things are going well but you're investing in the next stage of your growth.

00:29:08.868 --> 00:29:15.426
When people do things like they invest in paid traffic when we started doing this back in, I think, 2022.

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And I was investing all this money into ads every single month, but it took months for those leads to convert, and so I was investing all this money into ads every single month, but it took months for those leads to convert, and so I was spending all this money on paid traffic, and if you would have looked at my business, you would have said, ok, well, we're making less money, but I'm investing in the long term and so much of business growth requires this, this long term perspective.

00:29:38.230 --> 00:29:39.333
It's not easy.

00:29:39.333 --> 00:29:46.269
This has been a challenging time for me on a personal level, but really that sense of internal safety is always available to you.

00:29:47.352 --> 00:30:15.013
And reclaiming that and not buying into the myth and the narrative that your safety is tied to your business being quote-unquote consistent that's the real thing, because when people chase consistency, what they're really doing is they're chasing safety, and safety can't be found in consistency in the world, because the world's always changing.

00:30:15.013 --> 00:30:18.164
That's the inconvenient truth about life.

00:30:18.164 --> 00:30:20.094
You look around you.

00:30:20.094 --> 00:30:24.025
It's like everything's changing all the time, and so you got two options.

00:30:24.025 --> 00:30:30.185
You can hold on to things outside yourself to try to feel safe, but they're always slipping away.

00:30:30.185 --> 00:30:39.021
You create something in your business and then six months later, 12 months later, the market changes or things change, or you decide you want to do something different.

00:30:39.021 --> 00:30:40.105
That's normal.

00:30:40.105 --> 00:30:46.094
So you can play that game of trying to hang on to everything outside of yourself it's a normal thing.

00:30:46.094 --> 00:30:56.912
I do that too or you can reclaim that internal sense of safety and, instead of looking for something outside of yourself, you can say, okay, how can I connect with that internal sense of safety?

00:30:56.912 --> 00:31:19.208
And then you can show up in your business, in the world and there can be a lot of messiness and chaos around you, but you can still feel safe and that is a real thing, and that allows you to run a business with normal ups and downs, peaks and valleys, but to still feel okay.

00:31:19.671 --> 00:31:28.721
I think that's the thing that most people actually really want, not this mythical you know quote unquote consistent business that doesn't actually exist.

00:31:28.721 --> 00:31:33.069
So are you chasing consistency in your business?

00:31:33.069 --> 00:31:34.593
Are you chasing consistent income?

00:31:34.593 --> 00:31:38.586
If so, what would it look like to let go of that?

00:31:38.586 --> 00:31:42.773
What would it look like to not make your inconsistent business a problem?

00:31:44.300 --> 00:32:09.266
Now, I think there is a reality to the fact that if you're in a business that is not making enough money or you're missing clarity on your marketing or things are wildly up and down, there are things we can do to solve those problems, and I don't want to minimize that either, because you got to have a baseline level of revenue in order to meet your expenses and in order to be in a position where you can cover the things that you need to cover.

00:32:09.266 --> 00:32:34.451
So I don't want to discount any of those things, and the truth is it's more than possible to grow without that flatline consistency, but to do it in a way that is gonna feel safe, that is gonna feel aligned, that is gonna allow you to impact more people, to serve more people through the work that you do and to create an incredible business that allows you to live the life that you really want.

00:32:34.451 --> 00:32:37.646
And this is really what I help people do through our various programs.

00:32:37.646 --> 00:32:54.728
We're not buying into the myth of consistency, but we are integrating proven marketing strategies, tactics, tools to be able to grow your business, to be able to increase your income, to be able to create more clarity in terms of your marketing, so you know what to do on a daily basis.

00:32:54.728 --> 00:32:55.871
You're not second guessing.

00:32:55.871 --> 00:33:02.151
And if you're an entrepreneur who already has a business up and running, your coach, consultant, course creator, an expert, someone who is transforming lives.

00:33:02.151 --> 00:33:21.891
An entrepreneur who already has a business up and running, your coach, consultant, course creator, someone who is an expert, someone who is transforming lives in some meaningful way through the work that you do, and you're wanting help getting to that next level in your business, increasing your income, creating more stability in your business through some of the strategies that we talked about earlier on unlocking that next level of growth without the stress earlier on.

00:33:21.891 --> 00:33:33.192
Unlocking that next level of growth without the stress, without the second guessing, without the overthinking, without the trial and error and the slow path that I think holds so many entrepreneurs back from their potential.

00:33:33.192 --> 00:33:35.262
I'd love to open up a conversation about how we might be able to help you.

00:33:35.262 --> 00:33:37.251
We've got various different programs.

00:33:37.251 --> 00:33:40.142
We offer ways that we support online business owners like you.

00:33:40.142 --> 00:33:48.145
Your next step if you'd like to open up that conversation is to go to jasonmosscom forward slash apply.

00:33:48.145 --> 00:33:50.773
That's jasonmosscom forward slash apply.

00:33:50.773 --> 00:33:58.000
We got a ton of testimonials there from clients I've worked with personally and you can spend five minutes, submit an application there.

00:33:58.000 --> 00:33:59.003
That will go to me.

00:33:59.003 --> 00:34:00.166
I'll take a look at it.

00:34:00.166 --> 00:34:08.936
If I think you're a good fit, if I think we can help you, I'll reach out to you personally and we'll have a no pressure chat about your best next steps and how we can help you grow your business.

00:34:08.936 --> 00:34:10.101
So that's available to you.

00:34:10.101 --> 00:34:14.190
If you want to take that next step jasonmosscom forward slash apply.

00:34:14.692 --> 00:34:19.391
I hope you found this episode valuable today, looking forward to the next one and I will see you soon.

00:34:19.391 --> 00:34:23.106
Thanks today, looking forward to the next one and I will see you soon.

00:34:23.106 --> 00:34:24.373
Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the podcast.

00:34:24.373 --> 00:34:28.472
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00:34:28.472 --> 00:34:31.141
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00:34:31.141 --> 00:34:34.454
And if you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend.

00:34:34.454 --> 00:34:37.764
There's so many people out there that could benefit from this material.

00:34:37.764 --> 00:34:52.721
I want to pass this along, and if you're serious about growing your online business and ready to unlock your next level of income and growth, I want you to check out my free million-dollar online business training now where I walk through the four-step roadmap.

00:34:52.721 --> 00:34:58.581
I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars at coaching, consulting and courses online.

00:34:58.581 --> 00:35:04.583
You can watch this right now for free by going to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.

00:35:04.583 --> 00:35:10.492
That's jasonmosscom forward slash G-R-O-W-T-H.

00:35:10.492 --> 00:35:11.735
I hope to see you there.