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Welcome to the Jason Moss Show, where established online business owners go to increase their income, freedom and impact.
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I'm your host, jason Moss.
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Let's dive in.
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Earlier this week, I made a difficult decision.
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After two and a half years in the running, serving 140 plus clients in every niche imaginable incredible business owners around the world I made the difficult decision to shut down my accelerator program, a group coaching offer that had, to date, generated well over $750,000 in sales my most profitable offer ever and pivoted my business to exclusively offering one-on-one coaching moving forward, an offer that doesn't scale, that probably will make me a lot less money and most business coaches would tell you is absolutely crazy.
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You might be asking yourself the question, jason, why did you do that?
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That sounds like the dumbest decision ever.
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I get it.
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I understand where your head's at and I wanna answer that question in this video and walk you through the difficult thought process that led me to make that choice.
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Why I did that, why I think it's a better move for me and my business moving forward and, most importantly, the lessons that you can take away and apply to your online business from that decision, because I think there really are some important lessons here for you that are going to make the journey of growing your online business moving forward so much easier, so I'm excited to share this with you.
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It really starts going back to about six to nine months ago in my business, where the past few years in my business, I've primarily served brand new business owners and helped brand new business owners launch their businesses.
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We've also focused on helping folks who are more established grow and scale their businesses.
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But the bread and butter of my business for the past few years has been helping folks who are brand new, just getting started launch their businesses, get things up and running, sign their first few clients, and I built a very successful large group program which originally was called Coaching Launchpad later became Accelerator.
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That was really designed to help people do this Over time.
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What I started to see through years of running this program was that a lot of people who were new were coming in and they were getting really good results.
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But the people who were most successful in my programs were the people who were coming in who had a business up and running already and were really coming to me to help them get to the next level.
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In many cases, these people would come into my program and they double, triple, quadruple their revenue.
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And, on the other hand, I was working with a lot of new folks who, a lot of them, were getting results, but not nearly to that same degree as the folks who were more established and also those people were.
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It was a market that was a little bit more like churn and burn.
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It was like people would come in, they'd go through the six months and then they'd be off, versus those more established clients who I felt like I could deepen relationships with.
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They would stick around for longer.
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I enjoyed working with them on a deeper level.
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After several years of this, I started looking at my business and I said, okay, I have these two segments of people, both very different.
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Both I feel like I can help to a certain extent.
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But there's one segment of the market here that I just feel really lit up about.
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I feel aligned, I feel like I can get 1000% behind.
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And I didn't feel that way to the same extent about folks who are brand new and this was an uncomfortable thing for me to even acknowledge and look at Because, honestly, we were making a lot of money helping folks who are brand new and at that point in my business was like 75%, 80% of my business.
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So my fear was well, if I let go of that, is there even going to be a business?
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Are there enough people out there who are more established, who are going to want to work with me, that I can really build a successful business around that higher end market?
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I was afraid that there wasn't going to be enough, and so I hung on to this business and straddled these two niches for a while, basically out of fear.
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But at a certain point it became very clear to me and really what happened.
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I remember the moment in particular.
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I was on this mastermind or out in Napa Valley with one of my mentors at this mastermind and he asked me a very important question.
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He said Jason, if you had $5 million in the bank or $10 million in the bank or just enough money that you wouldn't have to worry about money for the rest of of your life that was not a concern who would you work with?
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And my honest answer was I would be helping established online business owners grow.
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And as soon as that became clear to me, I knew that I had to let go of helping folks who were brand new and it was a really uncomfortable thing to acknowledge, but it set in process a chain of decisions that started really manifesting in the business as a pivot.
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Now this meant letting go of like 80% of what was then our niche and this was a hard, hard, hard choice to make.
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But initially I had this group program, accelerator, and I said you know what we can?
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Hang on to this program.
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Let's just turn this program into more of like a mastermind for these folks who are more established.
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And I had a lot of folks who were newer inside this program and we were also starting to sign clients who were more established as the messaging changed and my marketing changed and I was focusing on working with folks who are more established.
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This was probably my first mistake, because it's really hard to pivot a program and when you have a certain type of clientele inside a program and then you try to make it something different especially when there are active people inside that program it's very difficult to do that, to stick around, because they were like, hey, I'm in this group program with people who are newer and the folks who are newer were like, well, I don't want to sit on these calls with a bunch of people who are more established who are asking all these questions that are like 10 steps ahead of where I am.
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So it created this situation where both groups were actually unhappy, and I think so much of what I've learned in business is.
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Some of the biggest mistakes that I've ever made in business have been the result of being straddled, when I haven't had the courage to make a firm line in the sand kind of decision and I've said, well, maybe I can like be straddled in both and I see this all the time with entrepreneurs that I work with too, whether it's like, hey, we're hanging on to two different niches, or hey, you know, we have this, this one program that we're trying to do like two or three different things with it, instead of just saying, like this is who this is for and this is what it's going to be, and making those really like firm, bold, line in the sand commitments and decisions.
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That is what creates success in a business.
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So, as a side note, you might ask yourself right now in your business, are you able to notice any pockets of that kind of thinking where you're straddled, where there are aspects in your business where you're one foot in one camp and one foot in the other?
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That's a really important question to ask.
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But really, looking back to my first choice around trying to hang onto this program, I was like, okay, well, maybe we can be both and serve both people.
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We just kind of transitioned in over time.
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That didn't work.
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The other thing that started to happen was we and this became clear to me over time effectively, in making that decision to cut off like 80% of the market, making that decision to cut off like 80% of the market, I had basically transitioned the business from a high volume, lower intimacy model to a lower volume, higher intimacy model.
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And I think this is really important to understand because, depending on the types of people that you serve, there's kind of a continuum that exists in any niche, in any market and with any business.
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You can be the kind of business who is a low volume, high intimacy business, the types of people who are like they're super boutique.
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Maybe you only serve a very small number of clients in a really high touch way at once.
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Or you can be like a mass market business, like an Amazon or like someone who sells an online course to thousands of people, and there's no right or wrong here.
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It's not that one is bad and one is good.
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We need both of those things.
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You know we need people who are in between too.
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But what I had realized over time and this wasn't clear to me upfront but and this pivot after we started adjusting the messaging in my marketing, I realized that since I cut off like 80% of my client base, essentially we basically made a decision and I made a decision to pivot my business to a lower volume, high intimacy play.
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Yet I was still running this group program like it was the days when we had, you know, 100 plus clients and I was trying to serve these new clients in the same way that I was serving the old clients, when in reality these new clients, the folks who are more established, actually needed something very different.
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And yet I was trying to basically put that new market into this box of the old market because I didn't want to let the old thing go.
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And part of this was on a personal level.
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I mean, I built a really beautiful community of people who and many of you you know, if you're watching this, who you've been in Accelerator I know some of my clients probably are watching this you know how special that group is, an incredible space where every week people are coming together, and it was really just inspiring for me to get to see so many incredible people connecting and I didn't want to let that go.
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So, looking at this and looking at the first realization that I had is that my offer really no longer fit the market.
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And so you might ask yourself in your business am I trying to build an offer because I have this idea of what the offer should be, or am I looking at my niche and asking myself what is the best way to serve that niche?
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This is one of the biggest principles that I teach when it comes to building businesses.
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There's two ways you can go.
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You can try to build something in your business and then fit a niche into it, or you can start from the niche first and you can say what does that niche need and then build the thing in response to looking to really serve that group of people and solve that problem.
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And the business owners who do it that way always more successful.
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It's the people who come up with something and then they're like how do I sell it?
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How do I find a group of people to sell it to?
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Those people always have issues.
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Hey, friend, hope you're enjoying this episode of the podcast and before we get back to it, if you're an established online business owner who's serious about unlocking your next level of income and impact and growth in your business, I want you to watch my free million dollar online business training where I walk through a four-step roadmap.
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I've personally used to sell well over a million dollars of coaching, consulting and courses online.
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It's going to make the journey of growing your business so much easier.
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I want to give this to you for free.
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All you got to do to access it is go to jasonmosscom forward slash growth.
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That's JasonMosscom forward slash G-R-O-W-T-H to get free access to this training right now.
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Now back to the episode.
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The other thing that really shifted for me, that made me realize that running our group program no longer made sense, was I started asking different questions and, if I'm being honest with you, I think the primary question that has been in my mind over the past few years and this is not that this is a bad question, but the question primarily has been how do I scale?
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Yeah, I've had this vision and this goal for the past few years to hit seven figures and we've done it.
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In total sales, I mean, I've sold well over a million dollars of coaching and consulting courses.
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But in a year I was like, okay, I wanna like have this seven figure business.
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But honestly, if I'm being very real with you, the reason I wanted that was just to say I had a seven figure business.
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It was just like, cause, as a business coach, you're like, okay, well, if I just tell people I'm making a lot of money, like they want to hire me.
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That was like my thinking, you know.
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But there was no reason for wanting the seven figure business beyond, just like the idea that I could make it happen.
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And so many people I talked to, the reason they want to scale is this versus.
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There's a difference between that and saying like I want to make a specific amount of money because I have this home that I really want to buy, or because I want to send my kids to private school, or because I want to be generous in this way and give back and make this really big impact in my community and this is what it's going to take financially to be able to do all those things.
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That's a very different conversation.
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You know, when you treat scale as like the thing that's at the pedestal but there's no real reason for it, it can get you in a lot of trouble.
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And so this is what I started experiencing for me because and I'll share a little bit more about this actually in a bit I mean, I've always fought this tension between like scale and the thing that actually I really enjoy, which is intimacy and connection, and so many of the things.
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When I look back over the things that have been most enjoyable for me and have really given me this deep sense of purpose in my business, oftentimes they're the things that don't scale.
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I ran a retreat in I forget when it was it was early this year with 12 entrepreneurs in Boulder, colorado, and it was two days up in this beautiful mountain home in like this remote area of Boulder, and it was like my favorite thing that I've ever run.
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It was a beautiful experience and people were like crying and like there was deep healing and transformation happening and I felt like that was one of the best things that I've ever run.
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It was a beautiful experience and people were like crying and like there was deep healing and transformation happening and I felt like that was one of the best things that I've ever done and I want to do more of that kind of stuff.
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But you look at that, it's like, my mind looks at that and it's like, well, it doesn't scale.
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So I've always had this tension in my business between these two parts of me, the part that wants to do the things that, like, feed my soul, that don't necessarily scale, and then the part of me that, like, just wants to build the biggest thing in town.
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And I think it's important that we have both of these things, because it's not that any of them are wrong, but I realized that that balance between those two parts is really important.
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Some of those things get away from me over the years and had started making more and more decisions that were more rooted on how do I just build a bigger thing versus how do I create a business that I really want to wake up and be a part of every single day.
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And so when I started letting go of this question of like, how do I scale, I was like you know what?
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If scale happens, great, let me like, let scale be a byproduct of how do I build a business that, number one, is truly aligned for me, that I'm really going to enjoy, and, number two, a business that was truly missed if it was gone.
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And this is a really powerful question.
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You know, so many people build businesses for scale.
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But then I look at those businesses and I certainly look at like the business that I created and I ask myself that question like if this wasn't here tomorrow, like would people really miss it?
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And I couldn't answer like a resounding yes to that question and if you're a client of mine, maybe you disagree You're like Accelerate was awesome.
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I love you, jason.
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If you weren't around tomorrow, I'd be upset, but in my heart of hearts I started asking this question what would a business look like If I was building a business not to just be the biggest business in town, but a business that was truly missed if it was gone?
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What if my North Star was not?
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How do I just make more money?
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But how do I create this exceptional experience for every single person who starts to work with me?
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How do I create something that every single person who walks in their life is changed forever?
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They have these deep transformational experiences, changed forever.
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They have these deep transformational experiences.
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Their business blows up and that they have that type of experience that is like this was like the best coaching experience I've ever had.
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And I started asking myself that question and I looked at how I was running my business and I realized this group program, while it was good and I don't want to discount it like we I mean I think it was better than like 99% of other stuff out there.
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But my bar is like how do I create something that is like truly incredible for people, because I want you to come in and have that experience where it's like this is amazing.
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And I realized that group program wasn't it.
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And I think the uncomfortable truth is and I want to be very clear about this I have nothing against group programs.
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I actually really enjoy running them and I will probably run another group program at a point in the future.
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I might do it a little bit differently and I help clients all the time scale and grow their group programs.
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So I have nothing like philosophically against group programs.
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But here's what I find for a lot of people in the coaching space, a lot of entrepreneurs that I talked to, people are kind of burned out from group programs, especially people who have been through group programs before, because every group program is kind of like the same you go in, you get a bunch of content.
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You gotta kind of figure out what to go through on your own.
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It's not really customized to you.
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Generally, there's some kind of like cookie cutter box that you're put in, which I think for a lot of entrepreneurs doesn't really work all that well, because we're unique and your strengths are different than my strengths, and so when I work with entrepreneurs, I've always had this vision of how do I create something that's truly tailored and customized to you, rather than how do I create this perfect system that I can fit everybody into and you can just copy and paste in your business, because I don't think that works.
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And if you've been through other programs like that, you probably know it's like you try on this thing and you feel like you got gotta like force yourself into this box and be someone you're not and it doesn't feel authentic to you and you don't wanna do it and it doesn't leverage your strengths or your unfair advantages, versus actually having a plan that is designed around you and your strengths.
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That's what allows you to grow a business so much faster.
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We all have unique strengths that we can leverage.
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So I've always had this vision of how do I create something that is tailored and customized to you, because I think that's the best way to get people results.
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But it's really hard to do that within a group context and also you know you show up, you got to sit on group calls and wait like 45 minutes to get your questions answered and sometimes it's helpful like listening to other people.
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I don't want to discount that.
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I've learned a lot from group programs because I go in and I hear other people's questions and oftentimes those are the same questions I'm asking, so I can learn from other people's experiences and connect with other people.
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There's a community aspect that's great but honestly, after doing hundreds of sales calls, the biggest thing that comes up for people is they just want one-on-one.
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People want that customized, personalized, high-on-one.
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You know people want that customized, personalized, high-touch support.
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That's the thing that people have been asking me for for the last few years.
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And so when I started asking myself this question how do I create something that's truly exceptional, that would be truly missed if it was when I could be in a deeper way, more connected to these people and help them on a deeper level and serve in a deeper way and create better results?
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And the clients I've worked with one-on-one they always get the best results so I wanted to offer that to more people.
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So asking this question differently, transitioning my focus from how do I scale to how do I create something that would be truly missed if it was gone, really started creating some different pathways forward.
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And just from a practical level because you might be asking yourself the question, jason, well, okay, how does that scale?
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And I've always been told that, like the way to past year and a half, and he does pretty much all of his coaching via telegram, text message and so basically I just text him.
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We don't, we barely even do calls.
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I think we've done maybe three or four calls in the whole time that I've been working with him and I've paid him a lot of money and I've renewed, because having that real-time support and being able to text him on a daily basis when I get stuck or I have questions has been way more helpful than group calls.
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So I saw that and I was like, wow, I'm having this awesome experience with this one-to-one context in the mentor that I'm working with.
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This can also scale because I can serve a lot of people in this way.
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It's still my time, but it's a better way to serve people.
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I'm having a better experience.
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If I don't want another group program, why am I selling one, and I think this would create more of that experience where people would truly miss it if it was gone.
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And also, here's the other interesting thing.
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I looked at this a while back in our business the people who work with me on a higher level, more intimate basis are far more likely to renew and the lifetime value of those clients is significantly higher.
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Like might be like three times or four times the lifetime value of someone who might just go through a group program with me once.
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And when you look at what's going on in the world with online business, it's becoming more challenging to get leads.
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Attention is becoming more difficult to harness because there's more people out there competing for attention, because ads are getting more expensive.
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Running these kind of like churn and burn type large programs where people come in and they come out and then they're constantly reliant on new leads instead of how do we sell to our existing customers those are the businesses that are actually struggling Versus.
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If I can create an experience where someone comes in and they want to keep working with me over years, I can run a really profitable, successful business and actually make a lot more money.
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In terms of profit, it might not be top line revenue but in terms of profit, and I'm not in this position where I constantly have this like high demand for new lead flow to be able to fill new spots.
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So my, my thinking started shifting around this and this is what led me to think that, you know, this new model was going to be a better fit.
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It's also, just on a personal level, more aligned for me as a human being.
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You know, alignment is so important in a business and when I work with entrepreneurs, this is a piece that I think we we we talk about a lot and I don't think most business owners really acknowledge, or it's inconvenient to acknowledge all these things within the context of many group programs, because alignment requires you treat people as individuals, and most business coaches, particularly folks who are running larger programs and there's nothing against these people it's like I was one of them and we're transitioning out of this.
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It's like I want to help everyone, but there's a reality to the fact that when you're working with a large number of clients, there's a limit to how much you can customize.
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But alignment is so important and when I look at my business today, one of the things that has become so clear to me is that there are so many successful ways to build a business.
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So many successful ways.
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When I first started coaching back in 2016, I was running a business selling online courses primarily, and then I transitioned to selling like a mastermind and then, when I started becoming a business coach, I was doing one-to-one and I transitioned to a group program.
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Then I was selling you know the retreat and I've done pretty much all the models and they all work.
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And there's so many different ways to market too, so many different platforms you can use and so many people are looking for the one right way.
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But the more I've learned and the more I've been in business I've been doing this, for I've been building online businesses for close to 20 years now the more I've learned.
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There is not one way.
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The one way is the way.
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If there is a one way, it's the way that's right for you and your job as an online business owner who is focused on sustainability, because that's the thing that people don't really talk about.
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You can go apply some cookie cutter model or system and get maybe some quick results, but if it's not feeling aligned for you and it requires you to show up in a way that is not leveraging your strengths, that requires you to contort yourself into some box that doesn't fit for you.
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You're gonna burn out, and I did this in my first coaching business.
00:26:02.590 --> 00:26:14.246
Yeah, I ran it for four years and I built it to six figures, but it wasn't sustainable for me the way I was doing it and the way I was showing up in the business, and after four years, I said I can't keep doing this.
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All the juice had been squeezed.
00:26:17.271 --> 00:26:40.053
My priorities have shifted and alignment is something that's so much more important to me now than it ever was, which means how do I build a business model that is going to allow me to show up in a way that feels sustainable, that feels nourishing, that feels fulfilling for me, that feels like it allows me to be who I want to be in my business?
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And this is a process.
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It's a big part of what I help people with today, because when you do this and you make this the priority, it means that you can create a business that allows you to show up over the long run, so you don't become this flash in the pan, because the secret to business is that it takes time, and the secret to success is that the people who stick in the game are the people who end up successful.
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My first year in business online business when I started coaching back in 2016, I made $4,728.
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And I was working really hard creating a bunch of content but, you know, it's like no one was paying attention.
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But I found a way to fall in love with the process and I kept showing up.
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And year two, I think, I made like $75,000.
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And year three, I hit six figures.
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But it took some time.
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And this is you know, for as many of the stories that I talk about the people, the clients I've worked with, who you know they blow up really quickly because as business coaches, we all love to tell those stories because they're attractive and everybody wants, you know, quick results and fast success.
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But the truth is, for every story like that, I got another 10 stories of clients I've worked with who took a lot longer to start to see that traction and momentum.
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And the people who are continuing to show up, who stay the course and who are able to create businesses that are aligned with them on a personal level so that they can do that, so they don't burn out, so they're not using strategies that require them to show up in a way that isn't a fit for them.
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Those are the people who succeed.
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So, again, looking at my own business, realizing, yeah, the thing that feels most aligned for me is actually I would love in this season and this may change, but in this season I want to work with a small number, with them.
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I mean not like running their business, but I want to be connected to them.
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I want to be more of that deeper support for people because I just enjoy it.
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I enjoy building those relationships that have more depth to them.
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I've always been like that and yet I built a business that was kind of misaligned with that.
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So in many ways, this has been like a return back to, I think, who I really am.
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And you might look at your own business and ask yourself am I building a business or using a model that is aligned for me, or where are some of the areas where that might not be aligned?
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You can usually notice it because it feels like effort, and I'm not saying that when you got a business that's aligned, it's not going to feel like you got to work sometimes, but there's a difference between feeling like you're pushing up a boulder, up a hill every day versus feeling like there's more of this flow, like when I can show up in a way that feels good to me, that leverages my strengths, there's not as much of that tension and that stress and it just feels easier.
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That's what I want for you, and alignment is really the key.
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So asking yourself are you building a business that is aligned for you, or are you trying to take somebody else's model that maybe worked for them but doesn't work for you?
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So for me, this is, at least in this season, it's one-to-one.
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And then, finally, this is a big one too, something I've been thinking about quite a bit Another reason behind wanting to make this shift to one-to-one.
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You know I'm seeing what's going on in AI right now, and obviously you probably are too.
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I mean chat, gpt, all of these incredible tools, and most people who have been following AI for a while will tell you this has just been under the surface and now we have awareness of it in the public.
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But I'm already seeing so many different ways that these tools can be integrated into my business, ways that these tools can be integrated into my business, and we're seeing all over the world how AI is massively impacting the way that businesses are run.
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I think of a time when I used to go to the supermarket and you had someone who would actually check out your food and like a cashier.
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And now I go to the supermarket, I don't want to see someone, I just want to like put my food in a little, you know, automated checkout thing with a machine that can give me the receipt and allow me to pay for it.
00:31:00.526 --> 00:31:05.085
And all over the world this is happening too, in every sphere of life.
00:31:06.307 --> 00:31:22.602
What used to be human is now being replaced by machines, and now that that's not there, I think people are craving it and there's a real hunger for more of that intimacy and experiences where people can feel that sense of connection.
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You know, I look at when I first started selling courses online compared to today, and it's much harder to sell online courses today If you don't have some kind of a community component or if there's not in some way that you're creating intimacy and connection between you or between people.
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People just aren't as attracted to going through a bunch of videos as they were 10 years ago, you know, when I got started.
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What people do want is intimacy, and I think in an increasingly AI world, in a world where more and more of our humanity is getting replaced by robots, by artificial intelligence, by chat, gpt.
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There is an opportunity for business owners like you and me who are looking at that shift and saying there's really two directions you can go.
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You can go all the way down the AI rabbit hole.
00:32:24.482 --> 00:32:35.520
You can say how do I just replace all the humanity in my business with a machine and I'm not passing a value judgment on that, I think it's a race to the bottom.
00:32:35.520 --> 00:32:49.170
Or you can say how can I ramp up the humanity, how can I create more intimacy and connection as a way of truly differentiating what I do?
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And I realized in my business I had a choice point and an opportunity to really seize this moment.
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Because when I can say to you, I only offer one-on-one, which means when we work together, it's you and me.
00:33:03.208 --> 00:33:15.085
It means you reach out to me and text me and you actually have a conversation with me, not someone on my team, not a big group program where you got to wait to get your questions answered.
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I think that's more attractive than ever and there's more of a hunger and a need for it than ever before.
00:33:19.950 --> 00:33:43.089
So, looking at your business day and asking yourself are there ways that I can dial up the humanity in the work that I do, to bring more of that to the table, to use that as more of a differentiator, as a way of standing out in a world where that is increasingly in demand, where there's more need and desire for that than ever before.
00:33:43.089 --> 00:33:47.107
I think that is the opportunity that all of us have as online business owners.
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In many ways, it's a return to the beginning, when businesses were mom-and-pop shops, when you would go in and you would know the storekeeper's name and they would know yours and you would feel connected and they'd ask you about your family and you'd have that sense of relationship.
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This is, in many ways, I think, what we are returning to.
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In many ways, I think what we are returning to.
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So real opportunity there, and I want to leave you with this a question to ask what would your business look like if it was missed, if it was gone?
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Journal on this question.
00:34:26.246 --> 00:34:53.181
Spend some time with this question, because I think the answers to this question are going to allow you to build a business that will equip you to succeed, to continue to be profitable, to continue to serve, moving into the future as we enter a brand new world and, on a side note, we just launched this brand new one-on-one coaching program, which I'm super pumped about.
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And if you're someone who is wanting to grow your online business, to increase your income, your revenue, your impact, to do it in a way that feels aligned for you, and you're wanting help and mentorship and that one-on-one support me and you in the trenches together to get that roadmap, to get that feedback, to get the support that you need to actually make that happen, I'd love to open up a conversation about how I might be able to help you.
00:35:20.824 --> 00:35:27.083
You can submit an application on my website jasonmosscom forward slash apply.
00:35:27.083 --> 00:35:30.510
That's jasonmosscom forward slash A-P-P-L-Y.
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That will go directly to me.
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There's no crazy AI on the background.
00:35:34.561 --> 00:35:36.346
That goes directly to me.
00:35:36.346 --> 00:35:37.768
I'll review it personally.
00:35:37.768 --> 00:35:41.085
If I think I can help you, if I think you're a good fit, I'll reach out to you.
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We'll have a no pressure chat through your best next step.
00:35:43.641 --> 00:35:53.318
So that is available to you Jason mosscom forward slash apply, rooting for you 1000%, and I'm excited to take these next steps forward together.
00:35:53.318 --> 00:35:54.461
I'll see you in the next episode.
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